 Unofficial 52 Index

52 50

52 #50

Cover Date: June 2007
Cover Price: $2.50
Publication Date: 2007-04-18


Cover Credits:
Art: J.G. Jones (signed)
Colors: Alex Sinclair

Story: "World War III" (24 Pages)


StoryGeoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid
Breakdown pencilsKeith Giffen
InksWalden Wong
ColorsAlex Sinclair
LetteringKen Lopez
Assistant editingHarvey Richards
Associate editingJeanine Schaefer
EditingMichael Siglain

Feature Character(s):

Black Adam (last in World War III: Book One; in World War III: Book Two and World War III: Book Three in between pages 4 and 5; appears in World War III: Book Four isochronally with appearances in this issue; see Comment)
Steel III (next in issue #52)
Booster Gold (last in World War III: Book Two)

Guest Star(s):

Captain Marvel (last in World War III: Book One; in World War III: Book Two in between pages 3 and 13)
Atom Smasher II (in World War III: Book Three in between page 4, panels 3 and 5)
Flash I (in World War III: Book Three in between page 4, panels 3 and 5)
Green Lantern (Alan Scott; in World War III: Book Three in between page 4, panels 3 and 5)
Mister Terrific II (in World War III: Book Three in between page 4, panels 3 and 5)
Power Girl (in World War III: Book Three in between page 4, panels 3 and 5)
Doctor Mid-Nite II (last in World War III: Book Three)
Hourman II (last in World War III: Book Three)
Jakeem Thunder (last in World War III: Book Three)
Thunderbolt (last in World War III: Book Three)
Sand (last in World War III: Book Three; next in Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #3)
Wildcat II (last in World War III: Book Three)
Stargirl (in World War III: Book Three between pages 4 and 7)
Arsenal IV (last in Outsiders Annual Vol. 3 #1; next in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1)
Black Lightning (last in Outsiders Annual Vol. 3 #1)
Beast Boy
Black Canary II
Doctor Light IV
Firestorm III
Green Arrow
Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
Hawkgirl II
Liberty Belle II (Jesse Chambers; formerly Jesse Quick; next in Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #1)
Manhattan Guardian (last in issue #1)
Martian Manhunter
Obsidian (last in issue #35; appearance here same as World War III #4; next in Manhunter Vol. 3 #20)
Plastic Man
Shining Knight
S.T.R.I.P.E. (appears in World War III #4 during this issue)
Steel IV (next in issue #52)
Vixen (next in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1)
Wonder Girl II (next in flashback in Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2)
Wonder Woman IV (Donna Troy; next in flashback in Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2)
Infinity, Inc. II
Fury III
Jade II
Nuklon II
Aquagirl IV (behind the scenes)
Halo (behind the scenes; all of the above characters appear in World War III: Book Four isochronally with appearances in this issue; see Comment)
Captain Marvel Jr. (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Mary Marvel (last in World War III: Book One)
Doom Patrol
Robotman II (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Bumblebee (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Elasti-Girl (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Mento (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Negative Man (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Vox III (in between World War III: Book One and World War III: Book Two)
Great Ten
August General in Iron
Immortal Man-in-Darkness
Seven Deadly Brothers
Accomplished Perfect Physician (next in World War III: Book Four)
Ghost Fox Killer (next in World War III: Book Four)
Shaolin Robot (next in World War III: Book Four)
Socialist Red Guardsman (next in World War III: Book Four)
Thundermind (next in World War III: Book Four)
Celestial Archer (next in World War III: Book Four)
Yeti (last in issue #32; dies)
Zatanna (last in issue #1)
Zatara II (last in World War III: Book Three; next in flashback in Teen Titans Vol. 3 #37)
Madame Xanadu
Phantom Stranger (last/next in ???)
Tasmanian Devil (last in issue #1; next in Green Lantern Vol. 4 #10)
Jet (last in World War III: Book One; next in Green Lantern Vol. 4 #10)
Manticore IV (last in World War III: Book One)
Thunder III (see Comment)
Spectre III (see Comment)
Rip Hunter


T.O. Morrow

Guest Appearance(s):

Red Tornado II (last in issue #33)


Story continued from the previous issue and continues in the next issue.
World War III is also covered in World War III: Book One to World War III: Book Four, with pages 7 through 21 taking place isochronally with World War III: Book Four. Below is a detailed chronology of these events. A detailed chronology for each character will not be made for this sequence.
Thunder II is shown in this issue even though she along with the rest of the Outsiders were undercover at the time. Spectre III is shown as a member of the Justice Society of America at a time when he was still deciding what his role should be as shown in World War III: Book Four.

World War III: Day 7
52 #50, page 7
52 #50, pages 8-9 / World War III: Book Four, pages 1-3
World War III: Book Four, pages 4-7
52 #50, pages 10-11 / World War III: Book Four, page 8, panel 1
52 #50, pages 12-14
World War III: Book Four, page 12
52 #50, pages 15-16
World War III: Book Four, 13-19, panel 3
52 #50, pages 17-19, panel 2
52 #50, page 19, panel 3 / World War III: Book Four, page 19, panel 4
52 #50, page 19, panel 4 through page 20
World War III: Book Four, pages 20-21
52 #50, page 21

Story Reprinted in:

52 #4 (2007 [January 2008])
World War III (2007 [January 2008])
The 52 Omnibus (2012 [January 2013])
52 #2 (2016 [February 2017])
Black Adam: Rise and Fall of an Empire ([November] 2022) [pp. 1-22 only]


World War III! Black Adam goes on a rampage and the various heroes of the DC Universe must work together to stop him. This issue coincides directly with the WORLD WAR III limited series.