Created by Roy Thomas and Mike Machlan and Jerry Ordway


Real Name: Todd Rice
Full Name: Todd James Rice
Occupation: Adventurer; mechanic
Place of Birth: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Alan Scott (father); Rose Canton (mother; deceased); Jennie-Lynn Hayden (sister); Molly Mayne Scott (stepmother); James Rice (adoptive father; deceased); Shirley Rice (adoptive mother); Jeremy Rice (foster brother)
Group Affiliation(s): Infinity, Inc.; Justice League; JSA; Justice Society of America II
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 193 lbs.
Eyes: (Todd): Brown; (Obsidian): White
Hair: (Todd): Brown
First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983): "The Infinity Syndrome"
Creators: Roy Thomas and Mike Machlan and Jerry Ordway


Although he did not at first know it, Todd Rice was the child of Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern. He was raised in Milwaukee by James Rice, a somewhat abusive father.

Despite his beginnings however, he resolved to become a hero when he discovered both his shadow powers and his twin, Jennie-Lynn Hayden. Together they became Jade and Obsidian, founder members of the hero group Infinity, Inc. which comprised those who continued the legacy of the JSA.

However, his connection with the shadow realm which gave him his powers and the experience of seeing the blackness within many other souls caused him to go gradually insane, and after many of his team-mates were killed and the Justice League of which he was a part was disbanded, he began a sort of revenge campaign against both of his fathers - biological and adoptive.

Under the influence of Ian Karkull, Obsidian had a conflict with the new JSA in Milwaukee which was ended by a sacrifice on the part of his adoptive father James Rice after a drawn-out battle with Sentinel. He later returned alongside other "princes of darkness" Mordru and Eclipso, confronting members of the JSA once again. By the end of the confrontation, he had been stripped of his shadow powers and returned to sanity.


For a definitive list of appearances of Obsidian in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #17 (July 1986)

Who's Who in the DC Universe #14 (November 1991)
JSA Secret Files #1 (August 1999)