Created by Roy Thomas and Mike Machlan and Jerry Ordway


Obsidian first appeared in All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983): "The Infinity Syndrome".

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Obsidian in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Obsidian (Todd Rice) biography click here.

Obsidian Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Infinity, Inc. #4 (July 1984): "Origins and Outcasts" [Flashback]
Infinity, Inc. #1 (March 1984): "Generations"
Infinity, Inc. #2 (May 1984): "A Gauntlet Hurled"
All-Star Squadron #26 (October 1983): "Talons Across Time" [Flashback]
All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983): "The Infinity Syndrome"
All-Star Squadron #26 (October 1983): "Talons Across Time"
All-Star Squadron Annual #2 (1983): "The Ultra War"
Infinity, Inc. #3 (June 1984): "Solomon Grundy Goes Hollywood"
Infinity, Inc. #4 (July 1984): "Origins and Outcasts"
Infinity, Inc. #5 (August 1984): "Dead Men's Bluff"
Infinity, Inc. #6 (September 1984): "Divide -- and Be Conquered"
Infinity, Inc. #7 (October 1984): "Past Glories, Future Tears"
Infinity, Inc. #8 (November 1984): "Atomic Dreams, Nuclear Nightmares"
Infinity, Inc. #9 (December 1984): "How Green Was My Victory"
Infinity, Inc. #10 (January 1985): "A Dark and Deadly Place"
Infinity, Inc. #11 (February 1985): "Aftermath and Prologue"
Infinity, Inc. #12 (March 1985): "Press Conference"
America vs. the Justice Society #1 (January 1985): "I Accuse" [Note: no longer in continuity]
America vs. the Justice Society #2 (February 1985): "Trial By Congress" [Note: no longer in continuity]
America vs. the Justice Society #4 (April 1985): "D-Day For Degaton" [Note: no longer in continuity]
Infinity, Inc. #14 (May 1985): "Concert in the Key of... Chroma"
Infinity, Inc. #15 (June 1985): "Song Without End -- Amen!"
Infinity, Inc. #16 (July 1985): "They Call Him... Mr. Bones!"
Infinity, Inc. #17 (August 1985): "Home, Sweet Helix!"
Infinity, Inc. #18 (September 1985): "Helix Goes to Hollywood (More or Less)"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 (April 1985): "The Summoning!"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 (May 1985): "Time and Time Again!"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 (July 1985): "And Thus Shall the World Die!"
Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 (1985): "Green Dreams and Precious Illusions"
Infinity, Inc. #21 (December 1985): "Shadows At Midnight!"
Infinity, Inc. #22 (January 1986): "Uncivil Wars!"
Infinity, Inc. #23 (February 1986): "Feithera By Stormlight!"
Infinity, Inc. #24 (March 1986): "Back From the Future!"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 (December 1985): "War Zone"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 (January 1986): "Death at the Dawn of Time!"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 (February 1986): "Aftershock"
Infinity, Inc. #25 (April 1986): "Business As Usual..."
Infinity, Inc. #26 (May 1986): "Come Helix and High Water!"
Infinity, Inc. #28 (July 1986): "Mr. Bones Gonna Rise Again"
Infinity, Inc. #29 (August 1986): "Situation Terminal"
Last Days of the Justice Society Special #1 (1986): "Last Days of the Justice Society of America"
Infinity, Inc. #30 (September 1986): "What Private Griefs..."
Infinity, Inc. #31 (October 1986): "Shock Treatment" [Page 1-17]
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #9 (December 1986): "The Secret Origin of Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy"
Infinity, Inc. #31 (October 1986): "Shock Treatment" [Page 18-23]
Infinity, Inc. #32 (November 1986): "You Can Call Me Psycho!"
Infinity, Inc. #33 (December 1986): "Obsidian: The Origin"
Infinity, Inc. #34 (January 1987): "Injustice for All!"
Infinity, Inc. #35 (February 1987): "Beat the Clock!"
Infinity, Inc. #36 (March 1987): "Chaos in Calgary!"
Infinity, Inc. #37 (April 1987): "The Heritage"
Infinity, Inc. #38 (May 1987): "Helix Takes the Stand"
Infinity, Inc. #39 (June 1987): "The Saga of Solomon Grundy"
Infinity, Inc. #40 (July 1987): "A Flash of Thunder!"
Infinity, Inc. #41 (August 1987): "Bride of Lightning -- Groom of Thunder!"
Weird #3 (June 1988): "Confrontation!"
Outsiders Special #1 (1987): "From Here to Infinity!"
Infinity, Inc. Special #1 (1987): "Siding with the Outsiders!"
Infinity, Inc. #42 (September 1987): "Farewell to Fury!"
Infinity, Inc. #43 (October 1987): "Eye!"
Infinity, Inc. #44 (November 1987): "In the Midst of Death..."
New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #38 (December 1987): "Clusters, Part 1"
Infinity, Inc. #45 (December 1987): "Clusters, Part Two"
Millennium #1 (January 1988): "Over"
Flash Vol. 2 #8 (January 1988): "Purple Haze" [Appearance same as Millennium #1]
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Vol. 1 #67 (January 1988): "Dialogues" [Behind the scenes; appearance same as Millennium #1]
Millennium #3 (January 1988): "Back"
Green Lantern Corps #220 (January 1988): "Sacred Identities" [Behind the scenes]
Infinity, Inc. #46 (January 1988): "Swamped"
Millennium #5 (February 1988): "In"
Justice League International Vol. 1 #10/2 (February 1988): "...Back at the Ranch" [Behind the scenes]
Millennium #6 (February 1988): "Out"
Blue Beetle Vol. 2 #21 (February 1988): "If This Works, It'll Be a Miracle" [Behind the scenes]
Millennium #7 (February 1988): "Down"
Infinity, Inc. #47 (February 1988): "Outback and Back in Beverly Hills"
Millennium #8 (February 1988): "The Rising and Advancing of Ten Spirits"
Infinity, Inc. #49 (April 1988): "The Sandman Cometh..."
Infinity, Inc. #50 (May 1988): "It's A Grimmworld, After All!"
Infinity, Inc. Annual #2 (1988): "The Degaton Paradox"
Infinity, Inc. #51 (June 1988): "A Death in the Family"
Infinity, Inc. #52 (July 1988): "To Love and Die in L.A."
Infinity, Inc. #53 (August 1988): "Death, When It Must Come..."
Invasion! #2 (1988): "Battleground Earth"
Adventures of Superman #449 (1988): "The Search" [Between panels of Invasion! #2]
Blasters Special #1 (1989): [No Title] [Flashback]
Flash Annual #3 (1989): "Flashing on the Past"
Superman Vol. 2 #46 (August 1990): "The World of Tomorrow"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #19 (December 1991): "Lantern's Light"
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #2/2 (fall 1992): "Where There's a Will..."
Superman: The Man of Steel #20 (February 1993): [5] "Funeral for a Friend Part 3: Funeral Day"
Showcase '93 #7/3 (July 1993): "Image is Everything"
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #7/2 (winter 1993): "Horrors: 2"
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #7/6 (winter 1993): "The Starheart"
Superman Vol. 2 #83 (November 1993): [34] "On the Edge"
Eclipso #16 (February 1994): "Fallout"
Eclipso #17 (March 1994): "Big Game"
Eclipso #18 (April 1994): "Works of Darkness" [Behind the Scenes]
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #3 (September 1994): "Zero Hour"
Justice League America #0 (October 1994): "Home Again"
Justice League America #93 (November 1994): "The Baby Hunt"
Justice League America #94 (December 1994): "What Are You Made Of?"
Justice League America #95 (January 1995): "Where the Wild Things Are"
Justice League America #96 (February 1995): "Rush to Judgment"
Justice League America #97 (March 1995): "A Burning Goal"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #29 (March 1995): "It's My Party and I'll Fight If I Want To"
Justice League America #98 (April 1995): "The Silent Place"
Gunfire #13 (June 1995): "This Is the Way the World Ends!"
Justice League America #100 (June 1995): "Opening Up the Game"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #32 (July 1995): "The Way of the Warrior, Part 1: Give Me A Space To Call My Own"
Justice League America #101 (July 1995): [The Way of the Warrior, Part 2] "Preasure Cooker"
Hawkman Vol. 3 #22 (July 1995): "The Way of the Warrior, Part 3: Storm Over Thanagar"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #33 (August 1995): "The Way of the Warrior, Part 4: Into the Valley of Death"
Justice League America #102 (August 1995): [The Way of the Warrior, Part 5] "Breakout!"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #34 (September 1995): "The Way of the Warrior, Part 7: Deathrock: Justice is Coming!"
Justice League America #103 (September 1995): "Oh, to Be Nobody"
Justice League America #104 (October 1995): "Pay the Reaper"
Justice League America #105 (November 1995): "The Killer Elite"
Justice League America #106 (December 1995): "Up From the Underworld"
Aquaman Vol. 5 #16 (January 1996): "Kings"
Justice League America #107 (January 1996): "The Devil's Due"
Justice League America #108 (February 1996): "One Hand In Darkness"
Guy Gardner: Warrior #39 (February 1996): "Merriment, Mistletoe, and Mayhem!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #1 (April 1996): "Stone Walls Do Not A Prison Make"
Mister Miracle Vol. 3 #2 (May 1996): "...Nor Iron Bars A Jail"
Justice League America #109 (March 1996): "All That Yazz"
Justice League America #110 (April 1996): "New Devils For Old"
Justice League America #111 (June 1996): "The Purge, Part 1: Now It's Time..."
Justice League America #112 (July 1996): "The Purge, Part 2: To Say Goodbye"
Justice League America #113 (August 1996): "The Purge, 3rd and Final: To All Our Company"
Hawkman Vol. 3 #32 (May 1996): "Hunted"
Hawkman Vol. 3 #33 (July 1996): "Prey"
Final Night #3 (November 1996): "Keeping Hope Alive"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #81 (December 1996): "Funeral for a Hero"
JLA #1 (January 1997): "Them!"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #86 (May 1997): "Roomie"
Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart of Darkness #1 (March 1998): "Fathers & Sons"
Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart of Darkness #2 (April 1998): "Like Father, Like Son"
Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart of Darkness #3 (May 1998): "Father's Day"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #109 (February 1999): "Ghost of Christmas Past"
JLA #27 (March 1999): "The Bigger They Come..."
JSA #1 (August 1999): "Justice Be Done"
JSA #5 (December 1999): "Grounded"
JSA #7 (February 2000): "Darkness Falls"
JSA #8 (March 2000): "Shadowland"
JSA #9 (April 2000): "Black Planet"
JSA #21 (April 2001): "Guardian Angels" [Behind the Scenes]
JSA Secret Files #2 (September 2001): "Breaking Storms"
JSA #46 (May 2003): "Princes of Darkness Part 1: Into the Valley"
JSA #47 (June 2003): "Princes of Darkness Part 2: Eclipse"
JSA #48 (July 2003): "Princes of Darkness Part 3: Enlightenment"
JSA #49 (August 2003): "Princes of Darkness Part 4: Army of Darkness"
JSA #50 (September 2003): "Princes of Darkness Part 5: The Last Light"
JSA #52 (November 2003): "Brand New Day"
Avengers/JLA #4 (January 2004): "Book Four: The Brave and the Bold"
JSA #54 (January 2004): "Virtue, Vice & Pumpkin Pie"
JSA #67 (January 2005): "The Autopsy"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #18 (March 2006): "Who's Your Daddy? Part 3: Domestic Violence"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #19 (April 2006): "Who's Your Daddy? Finale: Deaths in the Family"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #20 (May 2006): "Psychobabble Part One"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #22 (July 2006): "Psychobabble Part Three: Ghost in the Machine"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #23 (August 2006): "Psychobabble Part Four: Phantom Pain"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #25 (October 2006): "Two Superheroes and a Fed Walk Into a Bar..."
52 #29 (January 2007): "Name Calling"
52 #35 (March 2007): "Rain of the Supermen"
World War III #4 (June 2007): "United We Stand" [Behind the scenes]
52 #50 (June 2007): "World War III" [Appearance same as World War III #4]
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #1 (February 2007): "The Next Age, Chapter 1"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #2 (March 2007): "The Next Age, Chapter 2"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #3 (April 2007): "The Next Age, Chapter 3"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #4 (May 2007): "The Next Age, Chapter 4"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #30 (June 2007): "Unleashed, Conclusion: Hail & Farewell"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #31 (August 2008): "Forgotten, Part 1"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #34 (November 2008): "Forgotten, Part 4"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #11 (February 2008): "Thy Kingdom Come: The Second Coming"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #14 (May 2008): "Thy Kingdom Come: Gog"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #15 (June 2008): "Thy Kingdom Come: The Good Fight"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #16 (July 2008): "One World, under Gog, Part I: He Came, and Salvation with Him"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #21 (January 2009): "One World, Under Gog, Part VI: Saints and Sinners"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #22 (February 2009): "One World, Under Gog, Part VII: Thy Will Be Done"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #25 (May 2009): "Black Adam & Isis, Part Three: Family Feuds"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #27 (July 2009): "Ghost in the Darkness"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #28 (August 2009): "Phantom Menace"
JSA vs. Kobra #1 (August 2009): "Engines of Faith Part One: Bad Religion"
JSA vs. Kobra #3 (October 2009): "Engines of Faith Part Three: Misdirection"
JSA vs. Kobra #4 (November 2009): "Engines of Faith Part Four: Lightning In A Bottle"
JSA vs. Kobra #5 (December 2009): "Engines of Faith Part Five: Beating The Grass"
JSA vs. Kobra #6 (January 2010): "Engines of Faith Part Six: Shedding Skin"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #29 (September 2009): "The Bad Seed, Part 1: Fresh Meat"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #30 (October 2009): "The Bad Seed, Part 2: Hot Pursuit"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #31 (November 2009): "The Bad Seed, Part 3: New Blood, Old Blood, Spilled Blood"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #32 (December 2009): "The Bad Seed, Part 4: The Worth of a Hero"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #33 (January 2010): "Bad Seed, Part 5: Split Up"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #34 (February 2010): "Merciless, Part One of Two"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #35 (March 2010): "The Boxing Match, Part Two of Two"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #40 (August 2010): "Reset, Conclusion of Fatherland"
Blackest Night #1 (September 2009): "Blackest Night"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #43 (May 2010): "Rise and Fall: All Along the Watchtower"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #44 (June 2010): "Devil in the Details"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #45 (July 2010): "Prelude to the Dark Things"
Shield #10 (August 2010): "Operation Gunslinger, Pt. 4: Never Say Die"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #41 (September 2010): "The Dark Things, Part Two"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #47 (September 2010): "The Dark Things, Part Three"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #42 (October 2010): "The Dark Things, Part Four"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #48 (October 2010): "The Dark Things, Part Five"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #43 (November 2010): "Emerald City, A Dark Things Epilogue"
Justice Society of America 80-Page Giant 2010 #1 (December 2010): "The Not-So-Secret Origin of Obsidian!"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #48 (April 2011): "Supertown, Part Five"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #49 (May 2011): "Supertown, Conclusion"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #53 (September 2011): "The Secret History of Monument Point, Chapter Three: Strange Adventures"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #54 (October 2011): "The Secret History of Monument Point, Chapter Four: Crisis"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #58 (August 2011): "Eclipso Rising, Part Five: The Destined and the Dying"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #59 (September 2011): "Eclipso Rising, Part Six"
Secret Six Vol. 3 #36 (October 2011): "Caution to the Wind, Part Two of Two: Blood Honor"