Created by Jack Burnley and Gardner Fox(?)

Starman (Ted Knight).png
Starman (Ted Knight)


Starman first appeared in Adventure Comics #61 (April 1941).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Starman in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Starman (Ted Knight) biography click here.

Starman Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Sandman Mystery Theatre #38 (May 1996): "The Mist Act Two"
Sandman Mystery Theatre #39 (June 1996): "The Mist Act Three"
Sandman Mystery Theatre #40 (July 1996): "The Mist Act Four"
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #7/2 (October 1986): "The Secret Origin of the Golden Age Sandman"
All-Star Squadron #41 (January 1985): "Catch a Falling Starman" [Flashback; Pre-Crisis Only]
Starman Secret Files #1 (April 1998): "Talking With Ted ... Talking With Jack" [Flashbacks]
Starman Vol. 2 #18 (April 1996): "First Joust" [Flashback]
Adventure Comics #61 (April 1941): "The Amazing Starman"
Adventure Comics #62 (May 1941): [The Diminishing Ray]
Adventure Comics #63 (June 1941): "The Adventure of the Earthquake Terror"
Adventure Comics #64 (July 1941): "The Mystery of the Men with the Staring Eyes"
Adventure Comics #65 (August 1941): "The Mystery of the Undersea Terror"
Adventure Comics #66 (September 1941): "The Case of the Camera Curse"
Adventure Comics #67 (October 1941): "The Menace of the Invisible Raiders"
All-Star Squadron Annual #3 (1984): [No Title] [Flashback]
DC 2000 #1 (2000): [No Title]
DC 2000 #2 (2000): [No Title]
Adventure Comics #68 (November 1941): [The Forest Fire Menace]
Adventure Comics #69 (December 1941): "Adventure of the Singapore Stranglers"
All-Star Comics #8 (December 1941-January 1942): "Two New Members Win Their Spurs"
All-Star Comics #8/2 (December 1941-January 1942): "Sky Cutups"
All-Star Squadron #20 (April 1983): "For the Dark Things Cannot Stand the Light" [Flashback]
Adventure Comics #70 (January 1942): "Adventure of the Ring of Hijackers"
Adventure Comics #71 (February 1942): "The Invaders from the Future"
All-Star Comics #9 (February-March 1942): [Hemisphere Defense]
Golden Age Secret Files #1/2 (February 2001): "Scenes from the Class Struggle at JSA Mansion"
Adventure Comics #72 (March 1942): "Case of the Magic Bloodstone"
Adventure Comics #73 (April 1942): "The Case of the Murders in Outer Space"
All-Star Comics #10 (April-May 1942): "The Case of the Bomb Defense Formula"
Adventure Comics #74 (May 1942): "The Case of the Monstrous Animal-Men"
Adventure Comics #75 (June 1942): "The Strange Case of the Luckless Liars"
Adventure Comics #76 (July 1942): [Starman Eclipses the Sun]
JSA: All Stars #4/2 (October 2003): "Starman, FBI Agent"
Justice League of America #193/2 (August 1981): "The All-Star Squadron"
All-Star Squadron #1 (September 1981): "The World on Fire"
All-Star Squadron #2 (October 1981): "The Tyrant Out of Time"
All-Star Squadron #3 (November 1981): "The Dooms of Dark December"
All-Star Squadron #4 (December 1981): "Day of the Dragon King"
All-Star Comics #11 (June-July 1942): "The Justice Society Joins the War on Japan"
All-Star Squadron #5 (January 1982): "Never Step on a Feathered Serpent" [Appearance same as All-Star Comics #11, pages 1-3]
All-Star Squadron #10 (June 1982): "If an Eye Offend Thee..."
All-Star Comics #11 (June-July 1942): "The Justice Society Joins the War on Japan" [Pages 4-55]
All-Star Squadron #19 (March 1983): "Death Considered As a State of Mind" [Appearance same as All-Star Comics #11]
All-Star Squadron #20 (April 1983): "For the Dark Things Cannot Stand the Light"
All-Star Squadron #21 (May 1983): "A Tale of Three Citadels"
Power of Shazam! #35 (February 1998): "Lightning and Stars, Part 2: Bite the Bullet!" [Flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #39 (February 1998): "Lightning and Stars, Part 1: Sturm und Drang" [Flashback]
Power of Shazam! #36 (March 1998): "Lightning and Stars, Part 4: Close Encounters" [Flashback]
All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983): "The Infinity Syndrome"
All-Star Squadron #27 (November 1983): "A Spectre Is Haunting the Multiverse"
All-Star Squadron #28 (December 1983): "By Hatred Possessed"
All-Star Comics #12 (August-September 1942): "The Black Dragon Menace"
All-Star Squadron #30 (February 1984): "Day of the Black Dragon" [Flashback: Appearance same as All-Star Comics #12]
Adventure Comics #77 (August 1942): "Finder's Keepers"
All-Star Squadron #31 (March 1984): "Uncle Sam Wants You"
All-Star Squadron #32 (April 1984): "Crisis on Earth-X! The Prequel"
All-Star Squadron #33 (May 1984): "The Battle of Santa Barbara -- Times Two"
All-Star Squadron #34 (June 1984): "The Wrath of Tsunami"
All-Star Squadron #35 (July 1984): "That Earths May Live"
Green Lantern: Fear Itself (1999)
Adventure Comics #78 (September 1942): "The Little Man Who Wasn't There"
All-Star Squadron #42 (February 1985): "Oh, Say, Can't You See?" [Flashback]
All-Star Squadron #41 (January 1985): "Catch a Falling Starman"
All-Star Squadron #42 (February 1985): "Oh, Say, Can't You See?"
All-Star Squadron #43 (March 1985): "Ultimate Victory"
All-Star Squadron #44 (April 1985): "Night and Fog" [As Ted Knight]
All-Star Squadron #47 (July 1985): "The Secret Origin of Doctor Fate"
Adventure Comics #79 (October 1942): "The Tune of Terrific Toby"
All-Star Squadron #64 (December 1986): "See You in the Funny Papers"
All-Star Comics #13 (October-November 1942): "Shanghaied into Space"
All-Star Squadron #50 (October 1985): "Crisis Point" [Appearance same as All-Star Comics #13 pages 1-5]
All-Star Squadron #57/2 (May 1986): "Kaleidoscope" [Appearance same as All-Star Comics #13 pages 25-30]
All-Star Squadron #60 (August 1986): "The End of the Beginning!" [Appearance same as All-Star Comics #13 pages 55-56]
Adventure Comics #80/2 (November 1942): "The Time-Machine Crime"
Adventure Comics #81/2 (December 1942): "Starman's Lucky Star"
Young All-Stars #3 (August 1987): "A Call to Arms"
Young All-Stars #9 (February 1988): "You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Souls"
Young All-Stars #14 (July 1988): "Hell Hath No Fury"
Young All-Stars Annual #1 (1988): "The Mekanique Paradox"
All-Star Comics #14 (December 1942-January 1943): "Food for Starving Patriots"
Young All-Stars #27 (July 1989): "Meanwhile..." [Flashback to events taking place during All-Star Comics #14]
Adventure Comics #82/2 (January 1943): "Hitch a Wagon to a Star"
Adventure Comics #83/2 (February 1943): "Wish Upon a Star"
All-Star Comics #15 (February-March 1943): "The Man Who Created Images"
Starman Vol. 2 #69 (September 2000): "Grand Guignol, Neuvieme Partie: Heroes Reborn, Renewed... and Remembered" [Flashback to All-Star Comics #15 with new details]
Adventure Comics #84/2 (March 1943): "The Doom from the Skies"
Adventure Comics #85/2 (April-May 1943): "The Constellations of Crime"
All-Star Comics #16 (April-May 1943): "The Justice Society of America Fights for a United America"
Manhunter Vol. 3 #23 (August 2006): "Psychobabble Part Four: Phantom Pain" [Flashback]
Adventure Comics #86/4 (June-July 1943): "The Moonman's Muggs"
Action Comics #663 (March 1991): [9] "Time & Time Again Phase Two: Lost in the '40s Tonight"
Wonder Woman #231 (May 1977): "This War Has Been Cancelled"
Wonder Woman #232 (June 1977): "A Duel of Gods"
All-Star Comics #17 (June-July 1943): "Brain Wave Goes Berserk"
Adventure Comics #87/4 (August-September 1943): "Crime Paints a Picture"
All-Star Comics #18 (fall 1943): "Insects Turn to Crime"
Adventure Comics #88/4 (October-November 1943): "The Enigma of the Vanishing House"
Starman Annual Vol. 2 #1/3 (1996): [No Title]
Starman 80-Page Giant #1/3 (January 1999): "The Weak and the Strong"
Adventure Comics #89/4 (December 1943-January 1944): "The Plundering Planets"
All-Star Comics #19 (winter 1943): "The Crimes Set to Music"
All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant #1 (September 1999): "Steam Engine"
Adventure Comics #90/4 (February-March 1944): "Land Beneath the Fog"
All-Star Comics #20 (spring 1944): "The Movie That Changed a Man's Life"
Adventure Comics #91/4 (April-May 1944): "The Rising Star of Johnny Teach"
Adventure Comics #92/4 (June-July 1944): "The Three Comets"
JSA #18 (January 2001): "Injustice Be Done, Part 3: Sorrow's Story" [Flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #21 (July 1996): "Sand and Stars, Part Two" [Flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #22 (September 1996): "Sand and Stars, Part Three" [Flashback]
All-Star Comics #21 (summer 1944): "The Man Who Relived His Life"
Adventure Comics #93/3 (August-September 1944): "Gifts from the Stars"
Green Lantern: Brightest Day, Blackest Night (2002): [No Title] [Retells portions of All-American Comics #61 with new details]
Starman Vol. 2 #42 "1944: Science and Sorcery - A Tale of Times Past" [Flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #44 (July 1998): "Things That Go Bump in the Night, A Tale of Times Past: 1944"
All-Star Comics #22 (fall 1944): "The Test of Time"
Adventure Comics #94/3 (October-November 1944): "Stars Fell on Allie Bammer"
Adventure Comics #95/3 (December 1944-January 1945): "The Professor Plays Safe"
All-Star Comics #23 (winter 1944): "The Plunder of the Psycho-Pirate"
DC Universe Holiday Bash #2/6 (1998): "I Left My Heart at the Justice Society Canteen"
Adventure Comics #96/4 (February-March 1945): "Prediction for Plunder"
All-Star Comics Vol. 2 #1 (early May 1999): "Time's Keeper"
Adventure Comics Vol. 2 #1 (May 1999): "Stars and Atoms"
All-Star Comics Vol. 2 #2 (late May 1999): "Time's Arrow"
JSA: Strange Adventures #1 (October 2004): "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night..."
JSA: Strange Adventures #2 (November 2004): "Ray Guns and Bug-Eyed Monsters"
JSA: Strange Adventures #3 (December 2004): "The Lurker in the Clouds"
JSA: Strange Adventures #4 (January 2005): "All in Color for a Dime"
JSA: Strange Adventures #5 (February 2005): "Life of a Madman"
JSA: Strange Adventures #6 (March 2005): "Thunder and Lightning"
Last Days of the Justice Society Special #1 (1986): "Last Days of the Justice Society of America" [Flashback]
All-Star Comics 80-Page Giant #1/2 (September 1999): "P.O.V. A Fable"
Adventure Comics #97/4 (April-May 1945): "Stolen Glory"
Adventure Comics #98/2 (June-July 1945): "Twin Stars of Crime"
Adventure Comics #99/3 (August-September 1945): "My Fortune for a Star"
Adventure Comics #100/4 (October-November 1945): "Life and Death of a Star"
Adventure Comics #101/4 (December 1945-January 1946): "The Sun-Spot Scoundrel"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #7 (October 1991): "The Return of the Justice Society" [Flashback]
Adventure Comics #102/2 (February-March 1946): "The Meteor Mob"
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #1 (April 1991): "Beware the Savage Skies" [As Ted Knight]
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #2 (May 1991): "The Sack of Gotham" [As Ted Knight]
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #3 (June 1991): "Dead Air" [As Ted Knight]
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #5 (August 1991): "Double Star Rising" [As Ted Knight]
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #7 (October 1991): "The Return of the Justice Society" [As Ted Knight]
Justice Society of America Vol. 1 #8 (November 1991): "Battle of the Stars"
Starman Vol. 2 #62 (February 2000): "Grand Guignol, Premiere Partie: ...And What Went Before." [Flashback]
JSA #69 (March 2005): "JSA/JSA Chapter II: Guardian Angels"
JSA #70 (April 2005): "JSA/JSA Chapter III: High Societies"
JSA #71 (May 2005): "JSA/JSA Chapter IV: Past Mistakes"
JSA #72 (June 2005): "JSA/JSA"
Starman Vol. 2 #77 (May 2001): "1951 Part One: -- Who?"
Starman Vol. 2 #78 (June 2001): "1951 Part Two: -- What?"
Starman Vol. 2 #79 (July 2001): "1951 Part Three: -- Why?"
Starman Vol. 2 #46 (September 1998): "1952: Good Men and Bad"
Brave and the Bold #61 (August-September 1965): "Mastermind of Menaces!"
Brave and the Bold #62 (October-November 1965): "The Big Superhero Hunt!"
Starman Annual Vol. 2 #2 (1997): "Stars In My Eyes" [Flashback]
Martian Manhunter Vol. 2 #20 (July 2000): "Revelations One: Strange Visitors" [Flashback]
Chase #6 (July 1998): "Girl's Day Out" [Flashback]
Starman Vol. 2 #7 (May 1995): "A (K)Night At the Circus" [Flashback]
Starman Secret Files #1 (April 1998): "Talking With Ted ... Talking With Jack" [Flashback, page 7]
Final Crisis: Secret Files #1 (February 2009): "Balancing Act!" [Flashback]
JLA: Year One #4 (April 1998): "While You Were Out..."
JLA: Year One #11 (November 1998): "Stalag Earth"
JLA: Year One #12 (December 1998): "Justice for All"
Starman Vol. 2 #11 (September 1995): "13 Years Ago: Five Friends: A Tale of Times Past" [Flashback]
Justice League of America #29 (August 1964): "Crisis on Earth-Three"
Justice League of America #30 (September 1964): "The Most Dangerous Earth of All"
JLA: Incarnations #1 (July 2001): [No Title]
Justice League of America #64 (August 1968): "The Stormy Return of the Red Tornado"
Justice League of America #65 (September 1968): "T.O. Morrow Kills the Justice League - Today"
Justice League of America #73 (August 1969): "Star Light, Star Bright - Death Star I See Tonight"
Justice League of America #82 (August 1970): "Peril of the Paired Planets"
Justice League of America #83 (September 1970): "Where Valor Fails... Will Magic Triumph?"
Justice League of America #100 (August 1972): "The Unknown Soldier of Victory"
Justice League of America #101 (September 1972): "The Hand That Shook the World"
Justice League of America #102 (October 1972): "And One of Us Must Die"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #9 (April 2000): "The Final Hour for the 7 Soldiers of Victory" [Flashback to Justice League of America #100-102 with new details]
All-Star Comics #69 (November-December 1977): "United We Fall!"
All-Star Comics #70 (January-February 1978): "A Parting of the Ways!"
All-Star Comics #74 (September-October 1978): "World on the Edge of Ending"
Infinity, Inc. #27 (June 1986): "Memories" [Flashback, no longer in continuity]
Adventure Comics #462 (March-April 1979): "Only Legends Live Forever, part 2"
Adventure Comics #466/3 (November-December 1979): "The Defeat of the Justice Society"
Brave and the Bold #182 (January 1982): "Interlude on Earth-Two" [No longer in Continuity]
Justice League of America #207 (October 1982): "Crisis on Earth Prime, Book One: Crisis Times Three"
Justice League of America #208 (November 1982): "Crisis on Earth Prime, Book Three: The Bomb-Blast Heard 'Round the World!"
All-Star Squadron #15 (November 1982): "Crisis on Earth Prime, Book Four: Master of Worlds and Time"
Justice League of America #209 (December 1982): "Crisis on Earth Prime, Book Five: Let Old Acquaintances Be Forgot..."
Justice League of America #219 (October 1983): "Crisis in the Thunderbolt Dimension"
Justice League of America #220 (November 1983): "The Doppelganger Gambit"
Infinity, Inc. #1 (March 1984): "Generations"
Infinity, Inc. #2 (May 1984): "A Gauntlet Hurled"
Infinity, Inc. #9 (December 1984): "How Green Was My Victory"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #0 (July 1999): "A Chilly Day in Opal" [Flashback, as Ted Knight]
Infinity, Inc. #12 (March 1985): "Press Conference" [As Ted Knight]
Justice League of America #231 (October 1984): "Family Crisis"
Justice League of America #232 (November 1984): "Family Crisis - Part Two: Battlegrounds"
America vs. the Justice Society #1 (January 1985): "I Accuse" [No longer in continuity]
America vs. the Justice Society #2 (February 1985): "Trial By Congress" [No longer in continuity]
America vs. the Justice Society #3 (March 1985): "Hostile Witness" [No longer in continuity]
America vs. the Justice Society #4 (April 1985): "D-Day For Degaton" [No longer in continuity]
Infinity, Inc. #20 (November 1985): "Crisis on Infinitors' Earth" [Same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #4]
Infinity, Inc. Annual #1 (1985): "Green Dreams and Precious Illusions"
Infinity, Inc. #21 (December 1985): "Shadows at Midnight"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 (December 1985): "War Zone"
Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 (March 1986): "Final Crisis"
Infinity, Inc. #25 (April 1986): "Business As Usual"
Last Days of the Justice Society Special #1 (1986): "Last Days of the Justice Society of America"
Armageddon: Inferno #3 (June 1992): "The Last Hope"
Armageddon: Inferno #4 (July 1992): "The Gathering of Heroes"
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #1 (August 1992): "Home Again!"
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #3/3 (winter 1992): "Old Friends"
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #10 (May 1993): "JSA No More?"
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #3 (September 1994): "Zero Hour"
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #2 (September 1994): "Zero Hour"

ZZAs Ted Knight

Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #1 (September 1994): "Zero Hour"
Starman Annual Vol. 2 #2 (1997): "Stars In My Eyes" [Flashback, pages 44-45]
Starman Vol. 2 #0 (October 1994): "Sins of the Father, Part One: Falling Star, Rising Son"
Starman Vol. 2 #1 (November 1994): "Sins of the Father, Part Two: Oil (Paint) and Water"
Starman Vol. 2 #2 (December 1994): "Sins of the Father, Part Three: Mercy"
Starman Vol. 2 #3 (January 1995): "Sins of the Father, Part Four: Night F(l)ight"
Starman Vol. 2 #4 (February 1995): "A Day In The Opal"
Starman Vol. 2 #9 (July 1995): "Shards"
Starman Vol. 2 #10 (August 1995): "The Day Before the Day To Come"
Damage #15 (August 1995): "Ties That Bind, Picking Up the Pieces, Part 3"
Starman Vol. 2 #12 (October 1995): "Sins of the Child Part I: Jack's Day (the First Half)"
Starman Vol. 2 #13 (November 1995): "Sins of the Child Part II: Ted's Day"
Starman Vol. 2 #15 (January 1996): "Sins of the Child Part IV: Mikaal's Day"
Starman Vol. 2 #16 (February 1996): "Sins of the Child Part V: Jack's Day (the Second Half)"
Starman Vol. 2 #17 (March 1996): "Encounters"
Starman Vol. 2 #24 (November 1996): "Sand and Stars: An Epilogue"; "Hell and Back: A Prologue"
Starman Vol. 2 #25 (December 1996): "Hell and Back Part II"
Fate #22 (September 1996): "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
Final Night #2 (November 1996): "The Final Night, Ch. 2: Darker Grows the Night"
Final Night #3 (November 1996): "The Final Night, Ch. 3: Keeping Hope Alive"
Starman Vol. 2 #27 (February 1997): "Christmas Knight"
Starman Vol. 2 #29 (April 1997): "The Return of Bobo"
Starman Vol. 2 #30 (May 1997): "Infernal Devices, Part 1"
Starman Vol. 2 #32 (July 1997): "Infernal Devices, Part 3"
Starman Vol. 2 #33 (August 1997): "With A Little Help From My Friends"
Starman Vol. 2 #34 (September 1997): "Merry Pranksters"
Starman Vol. 2 #35 (October 1997): "Mr. Pip and Mr. Black"
Starman Annual Vol. 2 #2 (1997): "Stars In My Eyes" [Pages 5-36]
Starman Vol. 2 #39 (February 1998): "Lightning and Stars, Part 1: Sturm und Drang"
Starman Vol. 2 #40 (March 1998): "Lightning and Stars, Part 3"
Power of Shazam! #36 (March 1998): "Lightning and Stars, Part 4: Close Encounters"
Starman Secret Files #1 (April 1998): "Talking With Ted ... Talking With Jack"
Starman Vol. 2 #41 (March 1998): "Villain's Redemption"
Flash Vol. 2 #134 (February 1998): "Still Life in the Fast Lane"
Spectre Vol. 3 #62 (February 1998): "Final Rites"
Starman 80-Page Giant #1 (January 1999): "Chain of Possession"
Starman Vol. 2 #43 (June 1998): "Knight's Past"
Starman Vol. 2 #45 (August 1998): "Destiny"
Starman Vol. 2 #47 (October 1998): "City Without Light (A Prelude To Bad Times)"
DC One Million #1 (November 1998): "Riders on the Storm"
Starman Vol. 2 1,000,000 (November 1998): "All the Starlight Shining"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #2 (September 1999): "True Colors"
Starman Vol. 2 #56 (August 1999): "City Without Light, Part II: Bad Times Loom"
Starman Vol. 2 #61 (January 2000): "In Tranquility and Fire (A Prologue to Grand Guignol)" [Appears here during JSA Secret Files #1]
JSA Secret Files #1 (August 1999): "Gathering Storms"
JSA #1 (August 1999): "Justice Be Done"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #4 (November 1999): "Waking the Dead!"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #8 (March 2000): "Crisis in Blue Valley"
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #0 (July 1999): "A Chilly Day in Opal"
Starman Vol. 2 #62 (February 2000): "Grand Guignol, Part 1: ...And What Went Before."
Starman Vol. 2 #63 (March 2000): "Grand Guignol, Deuxieme Partie: Friends and Lovers"
Starman Vol. 2 #65 (May 2000): "Grand Guignol, Quatrième Partie: Darkness Not of Night"
Starman Vol. 2 #67 (July 2000): "Grand Guignol, Sixieme Partie: Rules of Engagement"
Starman Vol. 2 #69 (September 2000): "Grand Guignol, Neuvieme Partie: Heroes Reborn, Renewed... and Remembered"
Starman Vol. 2 #70 (October 2000): "Grand Guignol, Dixième Partie: The Devil's in the Details"
Starman Vol. 2 #71 (November 2000): "Grand Guignol, Onzième Partie: Evils Old, New and Unexpected"
Starman Vol. 2 #72 (December 2000): "Grand Guignol, Douzième Partie: Finale"
Starman Vol. 2 #76 (April 2001): "Talking With David (and Ted)" [As a spirit]