Created by Steve Englehart and Joe Staton

Driq; Art by Joe Staton


Occupation: Green Lantern
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Criq
Space Sector: 667
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Grey
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps #217 (October 1987): "Inside Summer Skies"
Creators: Steve Englehart and Joe Staton


A master strategist, Driq was a valued member of the Green Lantern Corps of the Klyminade. Unfortunately, they were no match for the combined power of Sinestro and MadGod Sector 3600. The Green Lanterns were mercilessly destroyed.

The only living survivors were Flodo Span and Olapet. Strangely, Driq was killed but his ring would not allow his life force to leave his body. Driq was in some form of half life that has not been fully explained.

The remains of the warriors of the Klyminade joined with members of the Green Lantern Corps of Earth to battle Sinestro. Though Driq had at times been blasted apart, his power ring was capable of gathering the pieces of Driq's body, reforming him to his after death state.

With Flodo Span, Driq was used to help bind the sentient sector through the might of the power ring. Flodo Span spread his consciousness to envelope the sector. When Driq was blasted apart, his power ring pulled his body back together and contracted Flodo Span's body. The sentient sector was contained in dark sphere the size of a baseball. The Green Lanterns then easily captured Sinestro.

Both Corps separated, but Driq would wander the spaceways. On Orinda, he attempted to rescue Harbinger from the android Manhunters. Harbinger had gone to the Manhunters' homeworld to recover her history of the universe, which had accidentally fallen into Manhunter hands.

Members of Earth's Justice League International, including Green Lanterns Hal Jordan, Arisia, and Katma Tui-Stewart, traveled to Orinda to shut down the Manhunters, who were threatening the Earth during the Millennium event.

Firestorm, a member of the Justice League's strike force, sensed Harbinger's call for help. He mistook Driq as an enemy and the two had a brief skirmish. After things had been sorted out, the Green Lantern and the Nuclear Man had an interesting conversation.

Captain Atom, Harbinger, Driq and Firestorm managed to break free of the Manhunters as Orinda broke up into fragments beneath them. Driq's appearance was more welcome than that of G'Nort of G'newt.

After defeating the Manhunters, the JLI quickly took leave of Orinda, leaving G'Nort in space. The spacefaring heroes attempted to follow the Highmaster, the Manhunters' leader, in his attempt on the Guardians' extra-dimensional stronghold. The spell cast by Doctor Fate was less than successful, and the heroes' survival depended on combining their life forces into that of Hal Jordan and Superman. The two heroes were able to destroy the Highmaster, which was the central power source for the rest of the Manhunters.

Back on Earth, Driq, the Floronic Man (one of the New Guardians) and Hal Jordan went to a barbecue at Hal's brothers Jim and Jack. They were sucked up by a sudden tornado which they quickly dispersed. The Green Lanterns discovered Myrwhydden was behind the tornado and a series of disasters across the globe. All these attacks were designed to funnel power to Sinestro who plotted with the mage to break each other's imprisonments. The two villains were easily defeated by the Green Lanterns.

After the final transformations of the Chosen, Driq joined the Earth based Corps in their journey to Oa. For the first time since the end of the Crisis, the Green Lantern Corps had assembled for the trial of Sinestro. Driq was reunited with Flodo Span and Olapet. The Korugarrian's guilt was not in doubt, he freely admitted his actions. For Sinestro's crimes, the Corps would seek the ultimate punishment, death.

Though his body was physically dead, Sinestro had managed to escape again. He had transferred his consciousness into the nearby Central Power Battery, causing it to implode. The power rings of the assembled Green Lanterns were absorbed back into the battery. Driq was one of the first Green Lanterns to lose his power ring. Without the emerald energy to sustain him, Driq collapsed, his body crumbled, finally at peace.

It was only the actions of Hal Jordan, Flodo Span, and Guardian Appa Ali Apsa that halted the battery's final collapse. Flodo Span died in the attempt and Appa Ali Apsa found his Guardian powers returned to him. Of the assembled members of the Corps, only Hal Jordan's power ring remained. The Corps disbanded, the powerless Green Lanterns spread through the universe.

Driq was memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa.



Since the coming of the Blackest Night, the Black Lantern Corps has risen. Many are the dead of the Green Lantern Corps. The planet Xanshi in 1313 was returned as well. As of this writing Driq has reappeared as a stange hybrid of Green Lantern and Black Lantern. -Green Lantern Vol. 4 # 49.


As a Green Lantern, Driq possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Driq in chronological order click here


A flashback of Driq before his death is shown in Millennium # 5. Flodo Span, Olapet and three other, unnamed Green Lanterns are featured.

In Green Lantern: Mosaic #6's letter column, writer Gerard Jones attempted to explain the abilities and weaknesses of the power ring. In particular he mentioned the ring's "automatic protection" feature which saves Green Lanterns from death. He argued that the rings have "an awareness function" that will protect its wearer from a mortal blow, whether the wearer is unconscious or not. Jones specified the ring could not protect the wearer if the attack was with from something yellow or from anything else the ring is vulnerable to.

He felt the "awareness function" had been misinterpetted to be some kind of magic "anti-death" function. The story of Driq confused the concept, but Jones felt Driq was an exceptional case and he would be examined in a later story.

The story was promoted as part of the "Whatever Happened To..." feature of the GREEN LANTERN CORPS QUARTERLY, but unfortunately was never published.

Driq's sector was originally listed as 3567 in GREEN LANTERN: TALES OF THE SINESTRO CORPS collected edition. In GREEN LANTERN 4th series # 49, it is sector 667 .