 Unofficial Dark Nights: Death Metal The Secret Origin Index

Dark Nights: Death Metal The Secret Origin 1 (Cover A)


Cover Date: February 2021
Cover Price: $4.99
Publication Date: 2020-12-22


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Ivan Reis (signed)
Inks: Joe Prado (signed)
Colors: Alex Sinclair (signed)

Variant Cover:
Cover B
Art: Gary Frank (signed)
Colors: Brad Anderson (signed)

Story: "Secret Origin" (38 Pages)


StoryScott Snyder, Geoff Johns
ArtJerry Ordway (pages 1-7, 35-38), Francis Manapul (pages 8-13, 32-34)
PencilsRyan Benjamin (pages 14-21), Paul Pelletier (pages 22-31)
InksNorm Rapmund (pages 22-31)
ColorsHi-Fi (pages 1-7, 35-38), Ian Herring (pages 8-13, 32-34), Rain Beredo (pages 14-21), Adriano Lucas (pages 22-31)
LetteringRob Leigh
EditingAndrew Marino

Feature Character(s):

Superboy-Prime (last in ???; also in flashback in between DC Comics Presents #87/2, page 12, panels 5 and 6, appearance page 4, panel 9 through page 7, panel 1 same as DC Comics Presents #87/2, pages 13-16; appearance page 7, panel 2 same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20; appearance page 7, panels 4-5 same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)

Supporting Character(s):

Laurie Lemmon (in flashback)
Naomi Kent (in flashback)


The Darkest Knight
Groblins (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
Superiors of the Ancient House of El
The Last Sun (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
Kenny Braverman of Earth-Prime (first appearance; in flashback)

Guest Appearance(s):

Lois Lane (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
Superboy (Conner Kent; last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
Superboy (Jon Kent; last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
Superman (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
Red Robin
Black Manta
Cyborg Superman
Lex Luthor
Neutron (next in Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1/5)
Parasite (next in Swamp Thing Vol. 7 #6)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Anti-Monitor (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Captain Atom of Earth-4 (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Firestorm (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Fury (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Jade (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Lady Quark of Earth-6 (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Martian Manhunter (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Power Girl of Earth-2 (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Ray (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Superman (pre-Crisis; appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20) and dc comcis pres
Superman of Earth 2 (pre-Crisis; appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Wonder Woman (pre-Crisis; appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
Stargirl (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
S.T.R.I.P.E. (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Wildcat II (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Teen Titans:
Robin III (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Superboy (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Wonder Girl II (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Joto (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Negative Man (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Risk (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Terra (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Wildebeest III (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Batmage (in a vision)
Flash (in a vision)
Harley Quinn (in a vision)
Jonah Hex (in a vision)
Orphan (in a vision)
Robin King (in a vision)
Swamp Thing (in a vision)
Wonder Woman (in a vision)
Aquaman (Arthur Curry; in a vision/dream)
Batman (Bruce Wayne; in a vision/dream)
Flash (Barry Allen; in a vision/dream)
Flash (Jay Garrick; in a vision/dream)
Cyborg (Victor Stone; in a vision/dream)
Hawkman (Bart Allen; in a vision/dream)
Impulse (Bart Allen; in a vision/dream)
Kid Flash (Wally West; in a vision/dream)
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; in a vision/dream)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; in a vision/dream)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner; in a vision/dream)
Raven (Rachel Roth; in a vision/dream)
Robin (Dick Grayson; in a vision/dream)
Starfire (Koriand'r; in a vision/dream)
Superman (Clark Kent; in a vision/dream)
Wonder Girl (Donna Troy; in a vision/dream)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (on a magazine cover)
Burt Reynlods (on a magazine cover)
Ronald Reagan (on a magazine cover)
Sally Field (on a magazine cover)
Aquaman (on the cover of Justice League of America #229; see Comments)
Atom (on the cover of Sword of the Atom Special #1; see Comments)
Baron Blitzkrieg (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Bizarro (on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
Black Bison (on the cover of Fury of Firestorm #26; see Comments)
Blackstarr (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #86; see Comments)
Demolition Team (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
Rosie the Riveter (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
Hardhat (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
Jackhammer II (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
Steamroller (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
Elongated Man (on the cover of Justice League of America #229; see Comments)
Firestorm (on the cover of Fury of Firestorm #26; see Comments)
Flash (on the cover of Flash #335; see Comments)
Freedom Fighters (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Uncle Sam (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Black Condor (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Doll Man (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Phantom Lady (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Ray (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Green Lantern (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
Gorilla Grodd (on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
Hourman (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
Jimmy Olsen (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #71; see Comments)
Jor-El (on the cover of Superman #400; see Comments)
Kryptonite Man (on the cover of Superman #397; see Comments)
Lara Jor-El (on the cover of Superman #400; see Comments)
Outsiders (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Batman (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Black Lightning (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Geo-Force (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Halo (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Katana (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Metamorpho (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
Princess Laethwen (on the cover of Sword of the Atom Special #1; see Comments)
Scarecrow (on the cover of Batman Vol. 1 #373; see Comments)
SKULL (on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
Supergirl (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #86; see Comments)
Superman (on the cover of Best of DC #54, DC Comics Presents #71, DC Comics Presents #86, Superman #400 and Super Powers #2; see Comments)
Toyman (Jack Nimball; on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
Toyman (Winslow Schott; on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
Yellow Lantern (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #71; see Comments)
Emissaries of Doom (on the cover of Super Powers #2; see Comments)
Lex Luthor (on the cover of Super Powers #2; see Comments)


The Kents House
Hampton Beach


In the flashback taking place on Earth-Prime Clark Kent is seen reading comics from a spinner rack as well as a few comics in his own room at the Kents house. Only characters appearing on the visible parts of the comics are listed under cameo appearances.
The comics on the spinner rack are All-Star Squadron #35, Batman Vol. 1 #373, Batman and the Outsiders #13, DC Comics Presents #71, Flash #335, Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178, Superman #397, and Sword of the Atom Special #1 all cover dated July 1984 and Fury of Firestorm #26, Justice League of America #229, Super Powers #2 cover dated August 1984. In his room Clark had Superman #400 cover dated October 1984, Best of DC #54 cover dated November 1984 and finally DC Comics Presents #86 cover dated July 1985 and which was the last issue of the series before his first appearance in issue DC Comics Presents #87, which is partly retold here.
Superboy-Prime has two visions. The first is of a world where he survived and married Laurie Lemmon and the second which might be another vision of a world where he survived or it might simply be him visualizing such a world.


The DCU's darkest secrets are explored while two titans clash! The heroes search for a way to defeat the Darkest Knight through the universe's past, while Superboy Prime faces down the demonic Batman!