Unofficial Dark Nights: Death Metal The Secret Origin Index |
Cover Date: February 2021
Cover Price: $4.99
Publication Date: 2020-12-22
Cover Credits:
Pencils: Ivan Reis (signed)
Inks: Joe Prado (signed)
Colors: Alex Sinclair (signed)
Story | Scott Snyder, Geoff Johns |
Art | Jerry Ordway (pages 1-7, 35-38), Francis Manapul (pages 8-13, 32-34) |
Pencils | Ryan Benjamin (pages 14-21), Paul Pelletier (pages 22-31) |
Inks | Norm Rapmund (pages 22-31) |
Colors | Hi-Fi (pages 1-7, 35-38), Ian Herring (pages 8-13, 32-34), Rain Beredo (pages 14-21), Adriano Lucas (pages 22-31) |
Lettering | Rob Leigh |
Editing | Andrew Marino |
Feature Character(s):
- Superboy-Prime (last in ???; also in flashback in between DC Comics Presents #87/2, page 12, panels 5 and 6, appearance page 4, panel 9 through page 7, panel 1 same as DC Comics Presents #87/2, pages 13-16; appearance page 7, panel 2 same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20; appearance page 7, panels 4-5 same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
Supporting Character(s):
- Laurie Lemmon (in flashback)
- Naomi Kent (in flashback)
- The Darkest Knight
- Groblins (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
- Superiors of the Ancient House of El
- Kenny Braverman of Earth-Prime (first appearance; in flashback)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Krypto
- Lois Lane (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
- Steel
- Superboy (Conner Kent; last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
- Superboy (Jon Kent; last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
- Supergirl
- Superman (last in Dark Nights: Death Metal #6)
- Batwoman
- Red Robin
- Black Manta
- Cyborg Superman
- Lex Luthor
- Eradicator
- Hellgrammite
- Metallo
- Neutron (next in Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1/5)
- Parasite (next in Swamp Thing Vol. 7 #6)
- Toyman
Cameo Appearance(s):
- Anti-Monitor (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Captain Atom of Earth-4 (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Firestorm (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Fury (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Jade (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Lady Quark of Earth-6 (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Martian Manhunter (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Power Girl of Earth-2 (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Ray (appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Superman (pre-Crisis; appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20) and dc comcis pres
- Superman of Earth 2 (pre-Crisis; appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- Wonder Woman (pre-Crisis; appearance same as Crisis on Infinite Earths #10, page 20)
- JSA:
- Stargirl (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- S.T.R.I.P.E. (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Wildcat II (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Teen Titans:
- Robin III (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Superboy (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Wonder Girl II (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Joto (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Negative Man (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Risk (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Terra (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Wildebeest III (appearance same as Infinite Crisis #4, page 16)
- Batmage (in a vision)
- Flash (in a vision)
- Harley Quinn (in a vision)
- Jonah Hex (in a vision)
- Orphan (in a vision)
- Robin King (in a vision)
- Swamp Thing (in a vision)
- Wonder Woman (in a vision)
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry; in a vision/dream)
- Batman (Bruce Wayne; in a vision/dream)
- Flash (Barry Allen; in a vision/dream)
- Flash (Jay Garrick; in a vision/dream)
- Cyborg (Victor Stone; in a vision/dream)
- Hawkman (Bart Allen; in a vision/dream)
- Impulse (Bart Allen; in a vision/dream)
- Kid Flash (Wally West; in a vision/dream)
- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner; in a vision/dream)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; in a vision/dream)
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner; in a vision/dream)
- Raven (Rachel Roth; in a vision/dream)
- Robin (Dick Grayson; in a vision/dream)
- Starfire (Koriand'r; in a vision/dream)
- Superman (Clark Kent; in a vision/dream)
- Wonder Girl (Donna Troy; in a vision/dream)
- Arnold Schwarzenegger (on a magazine cover)
- Burt Reynlods (on a magazine cover)
- Ronald Reagan (on a magazine cover)
- Sally Field (on a magazine cover)
- Aquaman (on the cover of Justice League of America #229; see Comments)
- Atom (on the cover of Sword of the Atom Special #1; see Comments)
- Baron Blitzkrieg (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Bizarro (on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
- Black Bison (on the cover of Fury of Firestorm #26; see Comments)
- Blackstarr (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #86; see Comments)
- Demolition Team (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
- Rosie the Riveter (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
- Hardhat (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
- Jackhammer II (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
- Steamroller (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
- Elongated Man (on the cover of Justice League of America #229; see Comments)
- Firestorm (on the cover of Fury of Firestorm #26; see Comments)
- Flash (on the cover of Flash #335; see Comments)
- Freedom Fighters (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Uncle Sam (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Black Condor (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Doll Man (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Phantom Lady (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Ray (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Green Lantern (on the cover of Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178; see Comments)
- Gorilla Grodd (on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
- Hourman (on the cover of All-Star Squadron #35; see Comments)
- Jimmy Olsen (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #71; see Comments)
- Jor-El (on the cover of Superman #400; see Comments)
- Kryptonite Man (on the cover of Superman #397; see Comments)
- Lara Jor-El (on the cover of Superman #400; see Comments)
- Outsiders (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Batman (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Black Lightning (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Geo-Force (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Halo (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Katana (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Metamorpho (on the cover of Batman and the Outsiders #13; see Comments)
- Princess Laethwen (on the cover of Sword of the Atom Special #1; see Comments)
- Scarecrow (on the cover of Batman Vol. 1 #373; see Comments)
- SKULL (on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
- Supergirl (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #86; see Comments)
- Superman (on the cover of Best of DC #54, DC Comics Presents #71, DC Comics Presents #86, Superman #400 and Super Powers #2; see Comments)
- Toyman (Jack Nimball; on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
- Toyman (Winslow Schott; on the cover of Best of DC #54; see Comments)
- Yellow Lantern (on the cover of DC Comics Presents #71; see Comments)
- Emissaries of Doom (on the cover of Super Powers #2; see Comments)
- Lex Luthor (on the cover of Super Powers #2; see Comments)
- Earth-Prime
- The Kents House
- Hampton Beach
- Metalverse
- Hellscape
- In the flashback taking place on Earth-Prime Clark Kent is seen reading comics from a spinner rack as well as a few comics in his own room at the Kents house. Only characters appearing on the visible parts of the comics are listed under cameo appearances.
- The comics on the spinner rack are All-Star Squadron #35, Batman Vol. 1 #373, Batman and the Outsiders #13, DC Comics Presents #71, Flash #335, Green Lantern Vol. 2 #178, Superman #397, and Sword of the Atom Special #1 all cover dated July 1984 and Fury of Firestorm #26, Justice League of America #229, Super Powers #2 cover dated August 1984. In his room Clark had Superman #400 cover dated October 1984, Best of DC #54 cover dated November 1984 and finally DC Comics Presents #86 cover dated July 1985 and which was the last issue of the series before his first appearance in issue DC Comics Presents #87, which is partly retold here.
- Superboy-Prime has two visions. The first is of a world where he survived and married Laurie Lemmon and the second which might be another vision of a world where he survived or it might simply be him visualizing such a world.
- The DCU's darkest secrets are explored while two titans clash! The heroes search for a way to defeat the Darkest Knight through the universe's past, while Superboy Prime faces down the demonic Batman!