Unofficial World's Finest Comics Index |
Cover Date: August-September 1977
Cover Price: $1.00
Publication Date: 1977-05-19
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Cover Credits:
Art: Neal Adams (signed)
Colors: Neal Adams
Story | Bob Haney |
Pencils | Kurt Schaffenberger |
Inks | Murphy Anderson |
Colors | Jerry Serpe |
Lettering | Ben Oda |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil, Jack C. Harris |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Commissioner Gordon
- Jor-El (in flashbacks to following Kal-El's birth)
- Lara (in flashbacks to following Kal-El's birth)
- Morgan Edge
- Lois Lane
- Jimmy Olsen
- Mad-Dog Doyle (first appearance; a criminal trying to sneak back into the US)
- Ram Drood (first appearance; "the biggest space bum in the galaxy")
- Kor-El (first appearance; Kal-El's hunchbacked twin brother; also in flashbacks; takes over Earth)
Guest Appearance(s):
- Justice League of America
- Green Arrow
- Wonder Woman
- Flash
- Hawkman (last in Super-Team Family #12; next in Justice League of America #149)
Other Character(s):
- Dr. Gan-Zir (first appearance; Lara's OB/GYN on Krypton; in flashback only)
- President Jimmy Carter
- Gotham City
- Batcave (located under Wayne Foundation Building)
- Justice League Satellite
- Planet Vector 493 (first appearance)
- This story is probably not in continuity.
- This story continues next issue.
Story Reprinted in:
- The Best of DC #66 (November 1985)
Story | Gerry Conway |
Pencils | Mike Nasser |
Inks | Terry Austin |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil, Jack C. Harris |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Oliver Queen (on telephone)
- Stupid Lumberjacks (first appearance for all)
Other Character(s):
- Ursus the Man Bear (in flashback; Dr. Grant's first failure)
- Wulf the Man Wolf (first appearance; a wolf/man hybrid; also in flashback to his creation six months earlier)
- Dr. Grant (first appearance; in flashback only; uses a Protein-beam and RNA transplant to create animal/human hybrids; deceased; see Comments)
- Queen's Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
- This story begins June 16th.
- Dr. Grant may be related to Dr. Hiram Grant, the creator of Cortexin, a serum that increased intelligence and evolved into more human shapes)
- This story continues in the next issue.
Story | Gerry Conway |
Pencils | Mike Nasser |
Inks | Terry Austin |
Lettering | Ben Oda |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Slingshot
- Boss Barney Breed
- Reggie Ronson (first appearance; a numbers runner)
Story | Bill Kunkel |
Art | Grey Morrow |
Lettering | Grey Morrow |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil |
Feature Character(s):
- Vigilante (origin related in flashbacks; see Comments)
Supporting Character(s):
- Stuff (first appearance; now an adult; origin related in flashbacks; dies; see Comments)
- Stuff's parents (first appearance for both; both die in flashback)
- Judas Priest Gang (first appearance for all; bandits who kill Sheriff Sanders in flashback)
- Dummy and his gang (also in flashback)
- The flashbacks shown here for the Vigilante probably relate to the Golden Age version, rather than the Silver Age one. The origin for Stuff shown here is different enough from his Golden Age counterpart as to be accurate for the Silver Age version.
- This story continues next issue.
"Chapter 2: ... Birth ..."
Story | Gerry Conway |
Pencils | Don Heck |
Inks | Vince Colletta |
Lettering | Milt Snapinn |
Editing | Dennis O'Neil, Jack C. Harris |
Feature Character(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Baron Blitzkrieg (first appearance; a Nazi officer who is gravely wounded and receives super-human abilities; also in flashback)
- Adolf Hitler (in flashbacks only)
Other Character(s):
- General Adrian Hawking (first appearance; liaison for American/British Allied Command; dies)
- Sir Winston Churchill
- London, England
- This story takes place in April 1942.
- This story takes place on Earth-Two and features the Golden Age versions of characters.
- This story is continued in the next issue.