Created by Eric Luke and Rick Burchett |
Occupation: Hindu god of preservation
Status: Active
Base of Operation: Mount Mandara
Group Affiliation(s): Hindu Gods
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Distinguishing Features: Vishnu has four arms and blue skin
First Appearance: Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #149 (October 1999): "Godwar: Assault"
Creators: Eric Luke and Rick Burchett
Vishnu is the Preserver in Hindu mythology and one of the Trimurti, the holy trinity, along with Brahma and Shiva. Throughout history, Vishnu has been very much concerned with the state of the world. It is said, that whenever evil gets the upper hand, Vishnu creates an avatar on Earth to even the scales. One such avatar is Rama, who has struck up a friendship with Wonder Woman, the avatar of a very different pantheon.
Not yet available
For a definitive list of appearances of Vishnu in chronological order click here