
The Original Universe


Name: Uranus
Aliases: Oan designate 2814.38.G
Location: Seventh planet in Sol star system
Space Sector: 2814
Sun(s): Sol
Moon(s): 27 - includes Ariel, Miranda, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon
Size: Mass 14.6; Radius 4
Environment: Gas giant; frozen
Atmosphere: Hydrogen, helium, trace methane
First Appearance: Discovered by English astronomer William Herschel (March 13, 1781)


Uranus is 19.2 AU from the sun, with a sidereal revolution of 84 years and a rotation period of 17.9 hours. It is tilted at 97.9 degrees and has a thin, narrow ring system. The extreme axial tilt creates seasons lasting 21 years.


The seventh planet from the Sun in Earth's Solar system, Uranus has no native life. In the 853rd century, when the system has been destroyed and rebuilt, Uranus will be replaced by the sentient solar computer Solaris.

The artificial sun was orbited by Starman's citadel, and Farris Knight was to maintain and defend Solaris. Though Knight enjoyed the benefits and fame of the Starman title, he resented the responsibilities it held. It was Starman that went into the core of Solaris and awoke its evil. - Starman Vol. 2 #1,000,000