

 Unofficial Atlas of the DC Universe: PlanetsBIOGRAPHY

Earth seen from the moon

The Planets category contains all profiles on the planets of the DC Universe.

The profiles are listed in alphabetical order after name, followed by (planet) e.g. Mars (planet) to better distinguish them from characters which may have the same name.

The planetary profiles will include information on the planets location, space sector, name and number of suns and moons, size, environment, dominant lifeforms, population, capital city, government, affiliations and so on where available. When possible, the profiles will follow recognized astronomical designations though there may be conflicts between scientific data and artistic presentation in the stories which involve the planets listed.

Please note that this part of the Atlas is still in development so many planets will only have very little information at this point. Some planets in the DC Universe have only been mentioned in passing. All available information will eventually be added.

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