Ultra-Humanite first appeared in Action Comics #13 (June 1939).
Below is the definitive list of appearances of Ultra-Humanite in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.
Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.
The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.
To go to the Ultra-Humanite biography click here.
Ultra-Humanite Chronology
Click to list by alphabetically by title |
Action Comics #13 (June 1939): [The Cab Protection League] |
Action Comics #14 (July 1939): [The Shoddy Subway Scheme] |
Action Comics #17 (October 1939): [The Sabotage of the Clarion] |
Action Comics #19 (December 1939): [The Purple Plague] |
Action Comics #20 (January 1940): [Superman in Hollywood] [Dolores Winters body] |
Action Comics #21 (February 1940): [The Atomic Disintegrator] |
All-Star Squadron #22 (June 1983): "The Powerstone Corrupts Absolutely" [Flashback] |
All-Star Squadron #23/2 (July 1983): "The Secret Origin of... Amazing-Man!" [Flashback story] |
All-Star Squadron #21 (May 1983): "A Tale of Three Citadels" |
All-Star Squadron #22 (June 1983): "The Powerstone Corrupts Absolutely" |
All-Star Squadron #24 (August 1983): "The Man Who'll Know Too Much" |
All-Star Squadron #26 (October 1983): "Talons Across Time" [Flashback] |
All-Star Squadron #25 (September 1983): "The Infinity Syndrome" |
All-Star Squadron #26 (October 1983): "Talons Across Time" |
All-Star Squadron Annual #2 (1983): "The Ultra War" |
Young All-Stars #12 (May 1988): "M Is For Monster" ["Ultrasaurus" body] |
Young All-Stars #13 (June 1988): "Deadlier Than the Male" |
Young All-Stars #14 (July 1988): "Hell Hath No Fury" |
Superman Family #201/2 (May-June 1980): "The Enigma of the Empty Elevator" |
Superman Family #214/2 (January 1982): "Horde of the Insect Queen" ["Ultra-ant" body] |
Superman Family #215/2 (February 1982): "Beware the Ultra-Ant" |
Justice League of America #195 (October 1981): "Targets on Two Worlds" [albino ape body] |
Justice League of America #196 (November 1981): "Countdown to Crisis" |
Justice League of America #197 (December 1981): "Crisis in Limbo" |
All-Star Squadron #26 (October 1983): "Talons Across Time" [Flashback] |
Infinity, Inc. #2 (May 1984): "A Gauntlet Hurled" |
Infinity, Inc. #5 (August 1984): "Dead Men's Bluff" |
Infinity, Inc. #6 (September 1984): "Divide -- and Be Conquered" |
Infinity, Inc. #7 (October 1984): "Past Glories, Future Tears" |
Infinity, Inc. #8 (November 1984): "Atomic Dreams, Nuclear Nightmares" |
Infinity, Inc. #9 (December 1984): "How Green Was My Victory" |
Infinity, Inc. #10 (January 1985): "A Dark and Deadly Place" |
Infinity, Inc. #12 (March 1985): "Press Conference" |
Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 (August 1985): "Worlds in Limbo" |
All-Star Squadron #55 (March 1986): "Crisis at Canaveral" |
Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 (January 1986): "Death at the Dawn of Time!" |
New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #38 (December 1987): "Clusters, Part 1" |
Infinity, Inc. #45 (December 1987): "Clusters, Part Two" |
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #1 (August 1992): "Home Again!" |
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #2 (September 1992): "Days of Valor" |
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #3 (October 1992): "Out of the Past" |
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #4 (November 1992): "Life On the Line" |
Justice Society of America Vol. 2 #5 (December 1992): "Only Human" |
Outsiders Vol. 2 #9 (July 1994): "Breakout" |
JSA Annual #1/2 (2000): "Sisters" |
JSA #32 (March 2002): "Stealing Thunder. Prologue" |
JSA #33 (April 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 1: Wish Fulfilment" |
JSA #34 (May 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 2: Troublestruck" |
JSA #35 (June 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 3: Lightning Storm" |
JSA #36 (July 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 4: Time-Bound" |
JSA #37 (August 2002): "Stealing Thunder Part 5: Crossing Over" |
Blue Beetle Vol. 3 #14 (June 2007): "Mister Nice Guy" |
Booster Gold Vol. 2 #5 (February 2008): "52 Pick-Up, Chapter 5: No Joke" |
Booster Gold Vol. 2 #10 (August 2008): "Blue & Gold, Chapter 5: Mindgames" |
Power Girl Vol. 2 #2 (August 2009): "Unleashing the Beast" |
Power Girl Vol. 2 #11 (June 2010): "Terra Alert!" |
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #3 (November 2010): "Passageway Part Three" |
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #4 (December 2010): "Passageway Part Four" |