 Unofficial Teen Titans Vol. 3 Index

Teen Titans Vol. 3 23


Cover Date: June 2005
Cover Price: $2.50


Cover Credits:
Pencils: Mike McKone
Inks: Marlo Alquiza
Colors: Jeromy Cox

Story: "Lights Out. Part Three: Secrets and Lies" (22 Pages)


StoryGeoff Johns
PencilsMike McKone
InksMarlo Alquiza
ColorsJeromy Cox
Associate editingTom Palmer, Jr.
EditingEddie Berganza

Feature Character(s):

Teen Titans:
Beast Boy (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)
Cyborg (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)
Kid Flash II (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)
Raven VI (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)
Robin III (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)
Speedy II (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #1)
Superboy (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)
Wonder Girl II (next in Green Lantern: Rebirth #4)

Guest Star(s):

Arsenal IV (next in Green Arrow Vol. 3 #47)
Nightwing II (next in Outsiders Vol. 3 #20)
Starfire III (next in Outsiders Vol. 3 #20)
Dove II (next in issue #27)
Hawk III (next in issue #27)
Argent II
Bumblebee (next in issue #29)
Captain Marvel Jr.
Flamebird (next in Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #3)
Flash III
Green Arrow
Harlequin II (next in Infinite Crisis #4/Teen Titans #32)
Mal Duncan (next in issue #29)
Mirage II
Red Star (next in OMAC Project #6)
Tempest II
Wildebeest III


Doctor Light III (next in Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1)
Deathstroke (disguised as Batman)
Ravager V (disguised as Batgirl)


Continued from the last issue.
The story in the last four issues takes place at the same time as the third story in Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files 2003.


Two dozen Titans, past and present, face off against Doctor Light and find that the advantage of numbers isn't as great as it should be, with Doctor Light fighting more ferociously than they are used to. Eventually, it comes down to single combat between Cyborg and Doctor Light, which is evenly matched until Starfire can land a well-placed starbolt on Doctor Light when he's not paying attention. During the course of the battle, the Titans learn some unpleasant truths about the actions of the Justice League, who altered Doctor Light's mind. They agree not to have secrets between them, and several members share things which they have been hiding - Speedy tells the others that she's HIV positive, Raven admits that she can see their dreams, and Wonder Girl reveals her connection to the war god Ares.
Meanwhile, the Outsiders members who were once Titans are called back to their HQ as it has an unwanted visitor. And Doctor Light is taken away by Batman and Batgirl - or so the heroes think. It is in fact Deathstroke and Ravager, come to take the villain to the growing Society of super-criminals.