Created by Marv Wolfman and Joe Staton



Aliases: Stanley (last name not known)
Status: Presumed deceased
Homeworld: Qward
Space Sector: -1
Race: Qwardian
Group Affiliation(s): Weaponers of Qward
Gender: Male
Eyes: blue (human); white (Qwardian)
Hair: red (human); none (Qwardian)
First Appearance: (as Stanley): Green Lantern Vol. 2 #144 (September 1981) "The Last Picture Show!"
(as St'nlli): Green Lantern Vol. 2 #148 (January 1982) "Beware My Power!"
Creators: Marv Wolfman and Joe Staton


A soldier in the armies of Qward, St'nlli quickly rose through the ranks. He was biologically altered by Qwardian master-medics, thereby increasing his strength and giving him the power to hurl devastating mental blasts. St'nlli also had the power of flight, could survive in the cold vacuum of space unaided and most importantly, an immunity to the emerald energy wielded by the Green Lantern Corps. The Weaponers of Qward chose St'nlli for an important task, the capture of Earth's Green Lantern, Hal Jordan and the ultimate destruction of the Guardians of the Universe and their Green Lantern Corps.

- Green Lantern Vol. 2 #150

The trip to the positive matter universe activated his preprogramming which changed his form into that of a human's. An unexpected side effect was his complete loss of memory regarding his origin and mission to Earth. "Stanley" was found on the outskirts of Coast City by Goldface, a foe of Green Lantern's. The supervillain forced Stanley to use his special powers to serve him in his bid to create a criminal empire. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #148, 150

Though nowhere near as powerful as his Qwardian form, Stanley was capable of planting suggestions in someone's mind, persuading them to do what he, or rather Goldface, wanted. The effect was very painful for Stanley, a point which did not matter to Goldface. The armored villain blamed Stanley for any failures, including his henchmen’s' difficulty eliminating the Tattooed Man. Though he was meek, Stanley promised he would one day take revenge on Goldface for his cruelty. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #144 - 148

As part of his efforts to form a criminal conclave to fight the H.I.V.E. for superiority on the West Coast, Goldface used Stanley to lure Green Lantern into a confrontation which the crime lord devised to impress a gathering of criminals. Though Goldface had managed to capture the ring wielder for a short period of time, Green Lantern escaped and was able to keep Goldface off balance. Stanley was called upon by Goldface to secretly notify the police who arrested Green Lantern for trespassing. The emerald warrior was even jailed for a short period, due to the machinations of Goldface, Black Hand and Jason Bloch. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #145 - 147

Later, in his holding cell in the basement of Goldface's mansion, Stanley doubled over in agony. The excruciating pain in his head was washed away by a flood of memories. In a flash of energy, his form changed back into that of a Qwardian's. St'nlli once more, he remembered his true purpose in the positive matter universe. Before that, he would indulge himself by making Goldface pay for the humiliation "Stanley" suffered.

The armed guards in the mansion could not halt St'nlli's progress as he made his way to his confrontation with Goldface. The once proud crime lord was startled by the turn of events. St'nlli tore apart the cliff top mansion, leaving Goldface lying beneath the wreckage. The Qwardian spared Goldface's life so his once-tormentor would know his pride and strength had been broken. His vengeance sated, St'nlli sought out Green Lantern.

The ring wielder's emanations radiated strongly from the Ferris Aircraft Corporation. Workers in the air traffic control tower told St'nlli about two Ferris employees, Carol Ferris and Tom Kalmaku, who were often seen with Green Lantern. Bringing the pair before him, St'nlli learned from Carol Ferris that his prey had gone to Oa.

St'nlli had barely exited a space warp near Oa when Arisia, Green Lantern of Graxos IV, left the Guardians' world to assist Hal Jordan. The Qwardian was content to follow the young ring wielder as she unwittingly led him to his target. The two Green Lanterns were attempting to position a crystalline lens in orbit of Ungara, homeworld of Jordan's predecessor, Abin Sur. Ungara had been threatened by an ice age, the lens would focus their sun's heat and stabilize their world's climate. St'nlli's arrival jeopardized their plans.

Jordan fought St'nlli while Arisia worked on the Ungaran lens. The Green Lantern of Earth found his ring's constructs were useless against the Qwardian. St'nlli hurled an energy bolt at Arisia, her cry of pain momentarily distracted Jordan, allowing St'nlli the opening he needed to seize his foe. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #149

St'nlli returned to Qward with the defeated Green Lantern in tow. The Weaponers were trying to take the emerald warrior's power ring or get the hero to assist them with the development of the Anti-Green Lantern Corps. St'nlli was to undergo his final operation at the hands of the Qwardian master-medics.

The Qwardian warrior sought to lead the Anti-Green Lantern Corps to the positive matter universe but his dreams of conquest were cut short by Green Lantern Arkkis Chummuck. The Green Lantern of Toomey VI was able to defeat St'nlli, somehow transporting the altered Qwardian from the field of battle.

Working in unison, the Green Lanterns were able to change Jordan back to normal. Jordan was then instrumental in defeating the Anti-Green Lantern Corps. St'nlli has not been seen since. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #150



For a definitive list of appearances of St'nlli in chronological order click here