

Identity: Public
Status: Deceased
Space Sector: 666
Place of Death: Ysmault
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Qull (Sister)
Base of Operation: Empire of Tears
Group Affiliation(s): Five Inversions
Group Affiliation (former): Four Demons
Gender: Female


Roixaeume despised the Guardians of the Universe and took part in a rebellion against their rule before dying at the hands of Atrocitus.


Roixaeume (sometimes spelled Roxaeume) was an inhabitant of Sector 666 and was banished by the Guardians for using Blood Magick, along with Qull, Dal-Xauix, and Orphram. When the Manhunters began their massacre of Sector 666, they were set free, and came to Ryut. There, they discovered Atros, and they took him in, changing their names from the Four Demons to the Five Inversions. Thus, the Inversions waged a war against the Guardians. Eventually, they established what was called the Empire of Tears, a web of planets occupied by the Inversions. Two millennium into the Empire's existence, Atros approached Roixaeume for information about the Blood Prophecy magic. He eventually got it out of her by faking love for her. Eons later, when the Five Inversions were finally defeated by the Guardians and their Green Lantern Corps, and banished to Ysmault, Atros killed the Five Inversions, starting with his "lover", Roixaeume.


Roixaeume has the power of Blood Magick, including the Blood Prophecy, a way of seeing the future.


For a definitive list of appearances of Roixaeume in chronological order click here