
The Original Universe


Name: Red Kryptonite
First Appearance: (original version): Adventure Comics #252 (September 1958): "The Super-Sentry of Smallville" (Mr Mxyzptlk's Red K): Superman Vol. 2 #49 (November 1990) (Ra's al Ghul's Red K): JLA #44 (August 2000)



When a meteor of Green Kryptonite passed through a weird space cloud it was altered into Red Kryptonite, the strangest isotope of the radioactive Kryptonite. Each fragment of Red K had unpredictable - and always different - effects on Kryptonians. It could transform the Earth-One Superman into a giant, a tiny being, a thief, a human ant, a dragon, an amnesiac, and so on. Most pieces affected Kryptonians only once and the effects lasted 24-48 hours.

Modern: Although the only known forms of original Kryptonian matter are Green Kryptonite and Jewel Kryptonite, two artificially-created substances called 'Red Kryptonite' have been noted, both affecting Superman in unpredictable ways. The first was created magically by Mr. Mxyzptlk and robbed Superman of his superhuman powers. The other was a synthetic version of Kryptonite used by Ra's al Ghul when he attacked the JLA using schemes made up by the Batman. This substance made Superman's skin transparent. Neither of these are actual isotopes of Green Kryptonite.


For a definitive list of appearances of Red Kryptonite in chronological order click here