Created by Dave Gibbons and Patrick Gleason |
Occupation: Prince of Betrassus
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Betrassus
Space Sector: 1417
Race: Betranians
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: King Nor (father), Princess Iolande (sister), Stentar (brother, deceased)
Group Affiliation(s): Royal House of Betra
Gender: Male
Eyes: Purple
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #1 (August 2006): "To Be a Lantern"
Creators: Dave Gibbons and Patrick Gleason
Due to his overwhelming desire to join the Green Lantern Corps, Prince Rangar of Betrassus resorted to killing the lanterns of his sector to get the ring. On Oa, he learns that Soranik Natu is alive and knows about his crimes. Instead of being imprisoned by the Green Lanterns, he was brought back to Betrassus where he was sentenced to death.
Located in Space Sector 1417, removed from the great spaceways, the transitional ore rich planet Betrassus was technologically advanced, but still a feudal society. Over time, the inter-clan warfare thinned the bloodlines and instead of open battles between warriors, clans resorted to assassination and treachery. Under King Nor, the ruling Royal House of Betra had brought peace and stability to Betrassus.
The eldest of the King's two sons, Prince Ragnar did not have his eyes on ascending his world's throne, rather his focus was on the star-spanning Green Lantern Corps. With the wealth and power at Ragnar's command, it would come as no surprise that he had amassed quite a collection of items related to the Green Lantern Corps, but Ragnar's interest did not end with the mere accumulation of memorabilia.
Ragnar wanted to be a Green Lantern, and would do anything to achieve his goal, including murder. Since members of the Green Lantern Corps were said to be without fear, Ragnar plotted to eliminate all possible "competition" should a Green Lantern need to be chosen in his sector. He hired a freighter captain to transport Maltusian battle mechs to over a dozen worlds on which a "hero" worthy of the power ring could be found. The first to be eliminated was police hero Turtan Gromyzkz. Captain Wotar-Wotar, undefeated gladiator Karnelion, and freedom fighter Harses Dijono Zax died to make way for Ragnar's ambition.
As expected, the series of deaths caught the attention of the Green Lantern Corps. The Green Lanterns of Sector 1417, Soranik Natu of Korugar and Myrrt of C'ythonnis, were dispatched to bring the perpetrator to justice. Based on the characteristics of the murders, the sector Lanterns had run a predictor on likely potential new targets and the warrior princes of Betrassus were high on the list. The Lanterns were on their way to Betrassus when they received word the royal family was under attack.
The princes did not shy away from battle, neither did their sister, Iolande, but the brothers would not let her fight. One of the battle mechs was able to break through the force field Soranik Natu created to protect Stentar and dealt the prince a mortal blow. Despite her impressive skills as a surgeon, Lantern Natu was unable to save Prince Stentar's life. Ragnar did not show remorse over his brother's death, only jubilation over finally meeting a Green Lantern.
Distressed by her failure and other personal demons Soranik Natu abruptly left Betrassus to return to Oa. Her partner Myrrt was left alone with Ragnar. The prince offered Myrrt a drink and shortly after the battle mechs attacked again. Both the prince and Green Lantern fought them off, but Myrrt would not live to learn the attack was engineered by Ragnar. The prince had poisoned Myrrt's drink with short-lived microorganisms that attacked the amygdala then dispersed undetected into the bloodstream. Myrrt was overwhelmed by fear and unable to properly defend himself. He was mortally injured. By the time Soranik Natu returned to Betrassus with Honor Guard Green Lantern Guy Gardner they were too late to save Myrrt. They could only fight off the latest battle mech attack. Ragnar offered both Lanterns a drink to their fallen comrade, but both declined.
While Soranik Natu performed an autopsy on Myrrt, Ragnar stayed close to Guy Gardner. The Honor Lantern discovered one of the battle mechs had a reactor leak. They traced the protonium radiation to the Betrassus spaceport. Gardner caught the freighter captain, but before they could get any information, Ragnar killed him with the false claim that the freighter captain had a weapon. They were soon interrupted by a distress call from Lantern Natu. Ragnar was sent back to the palace while Gardner went to assist Natu.
After laying Stentar to rest, they were shocked to learn Soranik Natu was dead. Gardner had reached her too late. She had been found dead in a gutter with traces of yellow poison gas on her. Now both Green Lanterns of Sector 1417 were dead. Ragnar knew the power ring would be searching for a suitable replacement. Later that night, a power ring appeared before Ragnar and told him he had been chosen to join the Green Lantern Corps.
Ragnar arrived on Oa, meeting Guy Gardner in the sciencell section where he was shocked to learn Soranik Natu was still alive. Moreover, the chemist that had made the potion in Myrrt's drink was held as a prisoner. Due to a truth serum given to the chemist Ragnar was implicated in the death of Green Lantern Myrrt. Ragnar's power ring dissipated as Gardner explained it was only given to him to bring him to Oa. Realizing all his dreams were slipping away, Ragnar lunged for Soranik Natu in an attempt to wrest her power ring from her. He was quickly put down by the Korugarian Green Lantern.
Diplomatic immunity prevented Ragnar from imprisonment on Oa, and he was returned to his homeworld. Though he had escaped the Green Lantern Corps, he had not escaped justice. He admitted to his overwhelming urges for the power ring and the crimes he committed and was sentenced to death.
His execution was paused momentarily as Lantern Soranik Natu announced the new Green Lantern of Sector 1417 had been chosen. Ragnar felt a flash of hope, only to see it dashed as the power ring was presented to his sister, Princess Iolande. Ragnar was beheaded immediately afterwards.
For a definitive list of appearances of Ragnar in chronological order click here