Created by Larry Niven and John Byrne


Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Earth
Space Sector: 2814
Known Relatives: Unnamed grandson
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps; Leprechauns
Gender: Male
Height: approx. 100 lbs.
Weight: approx. 4'
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White (temporarily black)
First Appearance: Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale (1992): "Ganthet's Tale"
Creators: Larry Niven and John Byrne


The age of Percival is not known, but he may be centuries old. Percival was a one of the "Little Folk", or as they were known in Ireland, Leprechauns. The little folk were colonists from the planet Maltus, and though they had once been immortal, their time on Earth had changed them. Where they were once sought out by humans as friends, their powers became a source of fear from the humans. They were forced into hiding and became the things of legend.

In modern times, Ganthet, one of the Guardians of the Universe came to Earth enlist the Maltusian colonists in the depleted Green Lantern Corps. He recruited the aid of Hal Jordan, then the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814. The pair travelled to Ireland, but found only the remains of the litle folks' houseplants, genetically engineered homes for Maltusians. The houseplants were honeycombed with passages and rooms for its inhabitants.

As human civilization flourished, it forced the Maltusians to constantly move deeper into the wilderness. Crossing the globe, Jordan and Ganthet travelled west, eventually finding the Maltusian descendents. Ganthet offered to restore their lost inheritance by recruiting each one of them into the Green Lantern Corps. Although he was shocked by their refusal, he was more so by Percival's acceptance. Percival stuck to the terms of the offer. Ganthet had said anyone could join the Corps. The Guardian had not made age a restriction.

The discussion was halted by a major corruption in space-time. According to Ganthet, several corruptions had occurred in the past two billion years. Ganthet had no choice but to accept Percival's help. The trio of Ganthet, Percival, and Jordan left to travel the stars. On their voyage, Ganthet explained the Oans' true past.

Percival would need to be trained by Ganthet if he was to be an asset to the Guardian. Ganthet gave Percival some of the devices the Guardians used to enhance their natural abilities. A small device planted behind the ear and one at the base of his spine would allow Percival to more fully use and control his natural psychic abilities. A life support mesh would protect him from the vacuum of space. After a week of training, Percival learned biofeedback techniques to control his body and could sense the distortion of space-time. He appeared younger, he had gained strength and confidence as well.

Guardian Dawlakispokpok and his Zamaron mate, Thwarcharchura, saw their approach as a threat to their plans. The three space travellers were attacked by Darthartheen and Doranchatok, the children of the Guardian and Zamaron.

Using a strategy suggested by Ganthet, Hal Jordan was able to destroy Doranchatok's power ring. Percival was believed to have been killed in the battle. Darthartheen could not find his DNA to clone Percival. Jordan and Ganthet were overwhelmed by the Oan children and taken captive.

Dawlakispokpok revealed he had created the "origin story" to defend the Guardians from attacks through time. Enemies of the Guardians would look to the past to strike the Guardians at their weakest moment. With Dawlakispokpok's creation, they would look to the beginning of the universe to find the Guardians had created the universe itself.

Four billion years ago on Maltus, Krona tried to see around the origin story by looking to the future. He had unwittingly connected the beginning and the ending of time, releasing entropy into the universe. Billions of years of potential life were eliminated. Dawlakispokpok sought to kill Krona before the Maltusian completed his experiment.

Percival returned to battle Doranchatok. After several skirmishes, he tricked the young man into smashing through the time-viewer. Dawlakispokpok lost control of the viewer as entropy flooded the universe. The crime of Krona had been committed, and Dawlakispokpok was killed in the release of entropy.

Jordan and Ganthet survived, along with Thwarcharchura and Doranchatok. The mother and son were taken to Oa. Darthartheen escaped and has not been seen since. Ganthet was impressed by Percival's capabilities with the power ring.

Krona returned as Entropy and did battle with the Green Lantern Corps. Percival officially joined the Corps after Entropy's defeat. The newest Green Lantern's training would be completed by Kilowog.

Percival was soon recruiting other Green Lanterns. Working with Brik of Dryad, Percival brought such candidates as Breeon, Pathavim Seth-Ottarak, Reemuz, and Torquemada for the Guardians to review.

Later on, Percival saw action on Maltus, fighting The Triarch of Maltusian gods. The Triarch had threatened to cleanse the universe in the name of order. Led by Hal Jordan, the Green Lanterns were hampered in their opposition of the Triarch by the Darkstars and the L.E.G.I.O.N. It was only when the three groups worked together that the Triarch was defeated.

After Jordan's return to Earth, he learned of the destruction of Coast City. He later tried to recreate his hometown, but was stopped by the Guardians. Jordan wanted more power to bring back Coast City, but was denied. He next travelled to Oa, fighting members of the Corps along the way. He stripped each Green Lantern of their power ring before his final assault on Oa. Kilowog and Sinestro were killed by Jordan, and the Guardians did not stop the Green Lantern of Earth as he entered the Central Power Battery. Jordan absorbed the energy of the battery, resulting in the disintegration of all the power rings in the universe. Ganthet survived, to create a new power ring and give it to Kyle Rayner of Earth.

Sometime after the fall of the Green Lantern Corps, Percival was captured by an interstellar slave ring, dealing in powerless Green Lanterns. For some unexplained reason, the Green Lanterns did not use any native powers they possessed. Whether or not Percival has any powers remaining from Ganthet's instruction has not been revealed. He was among the scores of Green Lanterns freed from captivity by Guy Gardner.


As a Green Lantern, Percival possessed a power ring and power battery.


For a definitive list of appearances of Percival in chronological order click here


The age of Percival was never firmly established, but it is doubtful he is as old as the Guardians themselves. In his later appearances, Percival looked as if he had aged since the conclusion of Ganthet's Tale. I'll take this as a result of Ganthet reclaiming the devices he gave Percival during his training.