Unofficial Legion Worlds Index |
Cover Date: November 2001
Cover Price: $3.95
Publication Date: 2001-09-26
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Cover Credits:
Art: John Cassaday (signed)
Colors: Richard Horie, Tanya Horie
Story | Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning |
Art | Kilian Plunkett |
Lettering | Comicraft |
Colors | Tom McCraw |
Color separations | Digital Chameleon |
Editing | Mike McAvennie |
Feature Character(s):
- Apparition (last in the second story in this issue)
- Timber Wolf (Brin Londo; first post-Zero Hour appearance; next in Legion #9)
Supporting Character(s):
- Tinya and Jo Nah's unnamed son (first appearance; born in this story)
- Xoth (a Dominator)
- Kuga (a Carggite)
- Swool
- a Jinx-Dog
- Winema Wazzo (behind the scenes)
- The Venom Gang (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- Crody
- Hubble
- Rn'drr
- Mash
- Race (first appearance of all; Wolf Gang members)
- Ms. Nah (first appearance; Jo Nah's mother)
- The Emerald Dragons
Story | Dan Abnett |
Pencils | Mike McKone |
Inks | Marlo Alquiza |
Colors | Tom McCraw |
Color separations | Digital Chameleon |
Lettering | Comicraft |
Editing | Mike McAvennie |
Feature Character(s):
- Legion of Super-Heroes
- Cosmic Boy (last in flashback in issue #2; next in issue #3)
- Spark (in between flashback and main story in issue #2; appearance of both on page 3, panels 3 through 5 same as flashback page 5, panel 3 though page 6, panel 1 of issue #2)
- Karate Kid (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in flashback in issue #5)
- Ferro (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in flashback in issue #5)
- M'Onel (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #5/2)
- Kinetix (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #1)
- Triad (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #1)
- Invisible Kid (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #3)
- Leviathan II (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #3)
- XS (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #4)
- Apparition (last in flashback in issue #2; next in the first story in this issue)
- Sensor (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in Legion #3)
Supporting Character(s):
- Dyrk Magz (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #3)
- Chuck Taine (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; next in issue #3)
- Shvaughn Erin (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #122; next in issue #1)
- R.J. Brande (last in Legionnaires #81; next in Legion #3)
- Leland McCauley (last in Legionnaires #81)
- Lori Morning (last in Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #125; last appearance)
Other Character(s):
- This story takes place one year ago, at the memorial for the Legionnaires lost in the battle against the Blight.