 THE FOP (Percy de Chaunce)BIOGRAPHY
Created by John Broome and Martin Nodell

Fop (Percy de Chaunce).png
The Fop; art by Martin Nodell


Real Name: Percy de Chaunce
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operation: Gotham City
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 1 #25/3 (April-May 1947): "The Man Behind the Mask"
Creators: John Broome and Martin Nodell


A criminal with a taste for the good life who was defeated by Green Lantern (Alan Scott) in 1947.


Percy de Chaunce was the last of the line of a family stretching back ten generations, left penniless but for a mansion in Gotham City. He turned to a life of crime as " de Chaunce has ever soiled his hands with work." To this end, he gathered three petty larceny crooks, Skippy, Ab and Rap who were fresh out of jail to refine them in his goal to plunder high society. Wearing a mask and handing out business cards, he conned his way out of paying for goods and services as the Fop.

On the first night of their crime spree, their paths crossed with Green Lantern (Alan Scott) and his sidekick Doiby Dickles. The "refined" petty crooks were soon caught, but the Fop made his way back to his mansion. Green Lantern caught up to the Fop who refused the idea of imprisonment, instead taking his own life by means of poison.


The Fop relied on "gentlemenly" weapons such as a sword hidden in a cane and a handgun. His cufflinks featured an inky gas that could momentarily disable an opponent.


For a definitive list of appearances of The Fop in chronological order click here