 DOIBY DICKLES (Charles "Doiby" Dickles)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Mart Nodell and Bill Finger

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Doiby Dickles


Real Name: Charles "Doiby" Dickles
Aliases: Devastatin' Doiby
Identity: Publicly known
Occupation: Independent Taxi cab driver; chauffeur; Consort and planetary ruler
Homeworld: Earth
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, NY
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Unrevealed, but he is the consort to Princess Ramia
Known Relatives: Beefy Dickles, Rafe Dickles (deceased), Vara Dickles, Colonel Dickles (deceased; all distant cousins), Wymore Dickles (ancestor, deceased); unnamed sibling, Herbert (nephew); Homberg Dickles (great-great-great-great grandson)
Base of Operation: The planet Myrg
Group Affiliation(s): Old Justice
Gender: Male
First Appearance: All-American Comics #27 (June 1941)
Creators: Mart Nodell and Bill Finger


A friend and 'sidekick' of the original Green Lantern, Doiby Dickles is an affable, if somewhat inefficient, man. He met and married Princess Ramia of the planet Myrg and served with her as its rulers until usurped by the evil Prince Marieb. He returned to Earth, where he became involved with Old Justice, a group of former sidekicks intent on shutting down Young Justice and other 'irresponsible' young heroes.


A rough and tumble youngster, Charles Dickles acquired his namesake Derby hat and always mindful of the inequities of life, sought to help out by joining the AEF by lying about his age and making his way to Europe where he displayed his bravery by becoming an ambulance driver and medic.

After the war, he returned to America and put his driving skills to use by becoming a "gypsy" cab driver in many of the large cities along the Eastern Seaboard of the US. While working in Capitol City, he happened upon Irene Miller and aided her and her friend, Alan Scott, also in his identity as the original Green Lantern. Always looking for ways to help people, he volunteered his services to Green Lantern as his "poisonel chauffeur and driver", even aiding him on cases, occasionally dressing up in a Green Lantern costume and calling himself "Devastatin' Doiby". After a short time, Scott felt he could trust him enough to reveal his identity to him and he aided him even more, as sort of a liaison between the public and Green Lantern, using a green flare to summon him to emergencies. Doiby even toured the US when he became famous as the Green Lantern's sidekick.


A scrappy fighter, though Doiby appears flabby he is quite muscular. He often wields a heavy monkey wrench against opponents.


For a definitive list of appearances of Doiby Dickles in chronological order click here