Created by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky

The Original Universe


Name: Earth-15
Dimension: Pre-Crisis Multiverse
Dominant Lifeform: Stone Giants
First Appearance: Justice League of America #15 (November 1962): "The Challenge of the Untouchable Aliens"
Creators: Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky


Earth-15 is a world populated by Stone Giants that is separated from Earth-1 by one minute of time.


Not much is known of the history of Earth-15 prior to the Stone Giants coming into contact with the Justice League of America of Earth-1. When a nuclear bomb was exploded simultaneously on both Earths it caused a shift in the space-time continuum which began narrowing the gap between the two Earths. The radioactive cobalt fallout of the Stone Giants bomb enabled the them to go to Earth-1 where they attempted to destroy Tokyo, Brasilia, and Central City as they would otherwise collide with their own cities once the two Earths would occupy the same time and space resulting in a worldwide nuclear holocaust. The Justice League eventually managed to stop the Stone Giants and find a solution to the problem and the Stone Giants' Earth would be returned to its proper time and place.


The designation as Earth-15 comes from the Stone Giants first appearance being in Justice League of America #15.