Name: Braal
Location: Braal System, Sagittarius Arm, Milky Way
Space Sector: Unidentified
Size: Equatorial diameter 11,043 miles
Environment: Earthlike
Dominant Lifeform: Braalians
Population: 6.92 billion (31st Century)
Affiliations: United Planets
Prominent Inhabitants: Cosmic Boy, Magnetic Kid, Magno Lad
First Appearance: (original): Adventure Comics Vol. 2 #247 (April 1958)
(Earth-247 version): Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #0 (October 1994)
- Braal was one of the "Sentinel Worlds," seeded by the legendary Valor with former captives of the Dominators. These colonists had super powers which would help them in surviving their new worlds and position them as a buffer between Earth and future Dominion aggression.
-Legion of Super-Heroes Annual Vol. 4 #2
Braal is one of at least thirteen worlds in its system and possesses a high magnetic field as well as fearsome metallic monsters. It was into this environment that Valor brought a tribe of aggressive, feudal humans whose original homeworld had been destroyed by the Dominators. Their original species name has been lost to time, but they became known as Braalians. It was their magnetic powers that helped fend off the metallic monsters which plagued them. -Valor #20, #21
Some one thousand years later, Braal was a member of the United Planets.