Created by Elliot S. Maggin and Curt Swan |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Unknown
Space Sector: 2814
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Green
First Appearance: Superman Vol. 1 #295 (January 1976): "Costume, Costume -- Who's Got the Costume?"
Creators: Elliot S. Maggin and Curt Swan
Xenofobe tricked Superman into fighting Jaxon so that the two would generate "power that counters the ring-energy, thereby restoring all possible futures!"
He went back in time to the 20th century in order to set right the course of Earth's future, which was upset during a battle the Green Lantern Corps of the future had with the Time Trapper, the villain at the end of time. During the battle, The Trapper arranged things so that the energy from their power rings entered the time-dimension, wiping out all Earth's possible futures but one -- a future in which a natural disaster ended mankind's reign on Earth so that the Legion of Super-Heroes never existed.
As a Green Lantern, Xenofobe possessed a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Xenofobe in chronological order click here
This story was pre-Crisis and Zero Hour and may not apply in the current LSH continuity. Xenofobe was pointed out to me by CTAYLOR on the Green Lantern Mailing List.