Unofficial World's Finest Comics Index |
Story | Cary Burkett |
Pencils | Irv Novick |
Inks | Frank McLaughlin |
Colors | Gene D'Angelo |
Lettering | Ben Oda |
Editing | Dave Manak |
Feature Character(s):
- Lord Rodcairn (first appearance; a magician trying to cause his people to leave Earth in the distant past)
Other Character(s):
- The Eldiran (first appearance; a race of magic users that have come to prehistoric Earth to prepare it for the coming of its "children")
- Metropolis
- Earth in prehistory
Story | Mike W. Barr |
Art | Gil Kane |
Colors | Tom Zuiko |
Lettering | John Costanza |
Editing | Len Wein |
Feature Character(s):
- Slingshot (last in issue #276/2)
- Mrs. Hollinger (first appearance; attempts to kill Green Arrow for killing her son Ricky)
- This story continues into next issue.
Story | Bob Rozakis |
Pencils | Carmine Infantino |
Inks | Robin Rodriguez |
Colors | Jerry Serpe |
Lettering | Phil Felix |
Editing | Len Wein |
Feature Character(s):
- Hawkman (next in Justice League of America #200)
Supporting Character(s):
- Hawkwoman (finds Hawkman and returns him to Thanagar; next in Justice League of America #213)
- Plert (riding with Hawkman in Hyper-Space; gets angry and grows to gigantic size and wrecks Katar's ship; expelled into Hyper-Space)
- Hyper-Space
Story | E. Nelson Bridwell |
Art | Gil Kane |
Colors | Adrienne Roy |
Lettering | Gaspar Saladino |
Editing | Len Wein |
Feature Character(s):
- Captain Marvel (last in DC Comics Presents #49; next in Adventure Comics #491)
- Captain Marvel Jr. (next in Adventure Comics #491)
- Mary Marvel (next in Adventure Comics #491)
Guest Star(s):
- Kid Eternity (summons P.T. Barnum, Charles Blondin, Will Rogers, Clyde Beatty, Annie Oakley, Pentheileia and a Pegasus; next in Adventure Comics #491)
Supporting Character(s):
- Mister Keeper (next in Adventure Comics #491)
- Uncle Marvel (last in DC Comics Presents #34; next in Crisis on Infinite Earths #6)
- Aunt Minerva (last in Shazam! #29; last appearance)
- Her Highness and Silk (both last in Hit Comics #57; first Silver Age appearance for both)
- Fawcett City
- Shazam, Incorporated (Captain Marvel's charity organization, located in the Whiz Broadcasting Building)