WITCHFIRE (Rebecca Carstairs) | BIOGRAPHY |
Created by Kurt Busiek and Tom Grummet |
Real Name: Rebecca Carstairs
Occupation: Singer, model, actress
Group Affiliation(s): Power Company
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Eyes: White
Hair: Red
First Appearance: JLA #61 (February 2002): "The Power Principle"
Creators: Kurt Busiek and Tom Grummet
Witchfire is really a young girl named Rebecca Carstairs, famous singer, model, actress - and a gifted witch. Still quite new in the hero game, she recently became a partner in the corporate super-team known as the Power Company.
Recently, she learned that she was not the real Rebecca Carstairs, but a homunculus (an artificial being). It is not known how this revelation will affect her.
Not yet available
For a definitive list of appearances of Witchfire in chronological order click here