Created by Dave Gibbons and Patrick Gleason |
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Ydoc
Space Sector: 3212
Group Affiliation(s): The Third Army
Group Affiliation (former): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Unknown
Gender: Male
Eyes: White
Hair: White
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #1 (August 2006): "To Be a Lantern"
Creators: Dave Gibbons and Patrick Gleason
A gladiatorial slave all his life, Vandor fought in the planet Ydoc's death matches. He was finally set free after winning his hundredth match and later went on to depose Ydoc's gladiatorial masters. This courageousness earned Vandor a power ring in the Green Lantern Corps.
-Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1
Vandor was one of eight Green Lanterns gathered by Lantern Administrator Salakk to prevent Honor Lantern Guy Gardner from disturbing the Guardians of the Universe. Gardner argued he was long overdue for shore leave and demanded to have an audience with the Guardians. Despite their superior numbers, the eight Lanterns were no match for Gardner, who was finally calmed down by Green Lantern Kilowog. Disappointed by their performance, Salakk ordered Arx, G'hu, Krydel-4 and Vandor to combat reorientation. -Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #1
Vador is a veteran of the many recent battles the Green Lantern Corps has been recently involved in. The Sinestro Corps War, the War of Light, and Blackest Night. -Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #27,Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1
Most recently, Vandor and his fellow Lanterns have fallen under the control of Krona and Parallax. - Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8
As a Green Lantern, Vandor possesses a power ring and power battery.
For a definitive list of appearances of Vandor in chronological order click here (2006-2011) and here (2011-present)