Created by Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Flemming

The Original Universe


Status: Defunct
Former Members:  Cleaver, Blotto the Clown, Ms. Mohawk,
First Appearance: Action Comics #565/2 (March 1985): "Sellout"
Creators: Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Flemming


Member First Appearance Joined Status Note
Cleaver Action Comics #565/2   Deceased  
Blotto the Clown Action Comics #565/2   Deceased  
Ms. Mohawk Action Comics #565/2      


A minor-league super-hero team, the Uh-Oh Squad consisted of the Cleaver, Blotto the Clown, and Ms. Mohawk. Cleaver accidentally killed the lunatic hero known as Ambush Bug, then had to kill himself in dishonor. The Bug later returned, only to be accidentally killed by Blotto (while the latter was fighting Villian the Villain), who then took his own life in despair. When the Bug returned from the dead a second time, Ms. Mohawk was scared senseless because she thought it would inevitably lead to her own suicide. She ran away screaming, only to fall down the stairs of her apartment and break her neck in the fall.


For a definitive list of appearances of Uh-Oh Squad in chronological order click here