Created by Joe Gill and Frank McLaughlin


Full Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: Avatar, Parashrama II, Tanaka
Citizenship: Japanese
Marital Status: Presumed single
Known Relatives: None
Base of Operation: Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II; later mobile
Group Affiliation(s): All-Star Squadron; Blood Soldiers
Gender: Male
Height: 5' (as a young teen)
Weight: 111 lbs. (as a young teen)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: Judomaster #91 (October 1966) [Charlton]
(as Avatar): L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) #1 (September 1999)
Creators: Joe Gill and Frank McLaughlin


During World War II, the orphan Tiger was taken in by the American soldier Rip Jagger, who operated in Japan as a masked hero under the name Judomaster. Himself skilled in martials arts, Tiger became Judomaster's sidekick until they had a falling out. Obsesseed with stopping all wars and ending the suffering of orphans, Tiger – or Avatar as he now called himself – was driven insane by an immortality drug and found himself in conflict with Earth's superheroes. His plans were thwarted by the L.A.W., a superhero team which included his old mentor Judomaster.


During World War II, a Japanese orphan called 'Tiger' became impressed by the U.S. soldier Rip Jagger, who operated in Japan under the identity of Judomaster (I). Despite his young age, Tiger was skilled at martial arts and proved himself a worthy partner of Jagger. The team of Judomaster and Tiger became renowned throughout the Pacific, and both became members of the war-time superhero team known as the All-Star Squadron. After the war, Rip wanted to adopt Tiger and take him with him to the U.S., but the immigration denied his request. For eight years, Rip and Tiger instead travelled the globe seeking out lost secrets of the martial arts. All this time, Tiger's anger was building up and he started to (unjustly) believe that Rip resented him because he was what prevented Rip from returning home. In 1953, Tiger had a final fallout with Rip and vanished.

But Tiger continued to travel in Asia. Encountering thousands of orphans, he began to focus his hate on the world's warmongers who had made so many children pay the ultimate price. Tiger studied the Hindu legends of the Parashrama, the slayer of the warrior caste, and was able to recover the armaments of the lost god – the Axe of Shiva, the All-Seeing Eye of Andhaka, and the precious Soma – the Serum of Immortality – which gives its user eternal life when taken regularly. Though it allegedly drives its user mad, Tiger found it a small price to pay. Now calling himself the Avatar, Tiger used his powerful tools to declare war against the world's warmongers in order to save all children in his own twisted way. He disposed of the JLA, but was ultimately defeated by a new team of heroes called the L.A.W. of which Judomaster was a member. Rip regretted battling his old protegé, but realised that Tiger was now insane. However, both survived their final fight and the Avatar is currently at large, although now powerless.


For a definitive list of appearances of Tiger in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #23 (January 1987)