Created by Greg Rucka and Jesus Saiz


Taleb Beni Khalid first appeared in Checkmate Vol. 2 #2 (July 2006).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Taleb Beni Khalid in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Taleb Beni Khalid biography click here.

Taleb Beni Khalid Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
World War III #4 (June 2007): "United We Stand"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #2 (July 2006): "The Game of Kings, Part 2"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #3 (August 2006): "The Game of Kings, Part 3"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #5 (October 2006): "Selection"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #7 (December 2006): "Rogue Squad, Part Two"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #8 (January 2007): "Pawn 502, Part 1"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #9 (February 2007): "Pawn 502, Part 2"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #11 (April 2007): "Corvalho, Part One"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #12 (May 2007): "Corvalho, Part Two"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #13 (June 2007): "CheckOut, Part 1"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #14 (July 2007): "CheckOut, Part 3"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #15 (August 2007): "CheckOut, Part 5"
Outsiders Vol. 3 #49 (September 2007): "CheckOut, Conclusion"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #16 (September 2007): "Past Perfect"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #17 (October 2007): "Firewall"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #18 (November 2007): "Fall of the Wall, Part I"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #19 (December 2007): "Fall of the Wall, Part 2"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #20 (January 2008): "Fall of the Wall, Conclusion"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #23 (April 2008): "Castling, Part One"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #24 (May 2008): "Castling, Part Two"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #25 (June 2008): "Castling, Finale"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #26 (July 2008): "Chimera, Part One: Opening Move"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #27 (August 2008): "Chimera, Part Two: Heart of Ice"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #28 (September 2008): "Chimera: Soul of Fire"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #29 (October 2008): "Chimera: Will of Iron"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #30 (November 2008): "Chimera: Will of Iron"
Checkmate Vol. 2 #31 (December 2008): "Chimera: Prophet of Death"
Final Crisis #3 (September 2008): "Know Evil"
Final Crisis #4 (November 2008): "Darkseid Says"
Final Crisis: Resist #1 (December 2008): [Resist]
Final Crisis #5 (December 2008): "Into Oblivion"
Final Crisis #6 (January 2009): "How to Murder the Earth"
Justice League: Generation Lost #3 (early August 2010): "Justice League: Generation Lost: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue."
Justice League: Generation Lost #4 (late August 2010): "Justice League: The Rocket's Red Glare"
Justice League: Generation Lost #7 (early October 2010): "*Of Course* They Got Caught."
Justice League: Generation Lost #8 (late October 2010): "Would It Be Ok With the Management If We Check Out Early?"
Justice League: Generation Lost #16 (late February 2011): "Justice League: Generation Lost, Part 16: Scary Monsters"
Justice League: Generation Lost #17 (early March 2011): "Justice League: Generation Lost, Part 17: Code Blue"