Unofficial Superman Index |
Cover Date: May-June 1949
Cover Price: $0.10
Publication Date: 1949-02-28
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Cover Credits:
Art: Al Plastino
Art | Al Plastino |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in Action Comics #132; next in the second story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in Action Comics #131; next in the second story in this issue)
- Perry White (last in Action Comics #132; next in the second story in this issue)
- Tiny Trix (first appearance; an infamous underworld figure; due to his size is often mistaken for a child)
- two art store burglars (first appearance for both)
Other Character(s):
- Tiny Trix's attorney (first appearance)
- participants at the Annual Firemen's Outing (first appearance for all)
- a truant officer (first appearance)
- unidentified teacher and students (first appearance for all)
- warden of the State Penitentiary
- Metropolis
- Daily Planet
- State Penitentiary
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.
Pencils | Wayne Boring |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (in between the first and the third story in this issue)
- Perry White (last in the first story in this issue; next in Action Comics #133)
- a purse-snatcher (first appearance)
- Slim Eddie (first appearance)
- Pockets Gilford (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- Lois' therapist (first appearance)
- citizens of Metropolis
- This story features characters from Earth-Two.
Story Reprinted in:
- Superman in the Forties ([December] 2005)
- Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 Years (2013 [January 2014])
Pencils | Wayne Boring |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Superman (last in the second story in this issue; next in World's Finest Comics #40)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in the second story in this issue; next in World's Finest Comics #40)
- Jor-El (in flashback)
- Lara (in flashback)
- Bantor (first appearance; a criminal scientist on Uuz)
- Bantor's gang (first appearance for all; Vanch named)
- two unidentified criminals on Uuz (first appearance for both; in flashback)
Other Character(s):
- Regor (Winki Lamm; first appearance; next in The Green Lantern #9)
- James Flint (first appearance; in flashback; a rocket scientist; dies)
- Mrs. Flint (first appearance; in flashback; his wife; dies)
- Uuzians (first appearance; an alien race)
- Regor/Winki Lamm's foster father and mother (first appearance for both; in flashback)
- Loria Rode (first appearance; Winki Lamm's coworker)
- Earth
- Arctic Circle
- Fortress of Solitude (first appearance)
- Barrios (first appearance; a volcanic island; destroyed)
- United States of America
- Arctic Circle
- Krypton (in flashback)
- Uuz (first appearance)
- This story takes place on Earth-Two and features the Golden Age versions of characters.