Unofficial Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen Index |

Cover Date: March 1957
Cover Price: $0.10
Publication Date: 1957-01-13
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Cover Credits:
Pencils: Curt Swan
Inks: Ray Burnley
Story | Otto Binder |
Pencils | Curt Swan |
Inks | Ray Burnley |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Jimmy Olsen (last in Superboy Vol. 1 #55/2; next in the second story in this issue)
Guest Star(s):
- Superman (last in Superman Vol. 1 #112/3; next in the second story in this issue)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in Superman Vol. 1 #112/3; next in the second story in this issue)
- Perry White (last in Superman Vol. 1 #112/3; next in the second story in this issue)
- Crook X (first appearance; threatens revenge against Jimmy Olsen)
- Jimmy's robot proxy (first appearance; destroyed)
- a jewelry store robber (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- Dr. Saxon (first appearance; creates a plastic robot proxy of Jimmy Olsen)
- Officer Clancy (first appearance; a neighborhood police officer)
- Metropolis
- Daily Planet
- Metropolis Museum
- Daily Planet
Story Reprinted in:
- Showcase Presents: Superman Family #1 ([May] 2006) [B&W]
Story | Otto Binder |
Pencils | Curt Swan |
Inks | Stan Kaye |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Jimmy Olsen (in between the first and third stories in this issue)
Guest Star(s):
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (in between the first and third stories in this issue)
- Perry White (last in the first story in this issue; next in Action Comics #226)
- "Doc" Archer (first appearance)
Story Reprinted in:
- Showcase Presents: Superman Family #1 ([May] 2006) [B&W]
Story | Otto Binder |
Pencils | Curt Swan |
Inks | Ray Burnley |
Editing | Mort Weisinger |
Feature Character(s):
- Jimmy Olsen (last in the second story in this issue; next in issue #20; suffering from amnesia, Jimmy believes he is "Super Kid," Superman's kid brother)
Guest Star(s):
- Superman (last in the second story in this issue; next in Action Comics #226)
Supporting Character(s):
- Lois Lane (last in the second story in this issue; next in Action Comics #226)
- a thief (first appearance)
Other Character(s):
- citizens of Metropolis
Story Reprinted in:
- Superman Annual #6/3 (Winter 1962-1963)
- Showcase Presents: Superman Family #1 ([May] 2006) [B&W]
- Superman in the Fifties (2020 [April 2021])