Created by Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett

Superboy (Kon-El).png
Superboy (Kon-El)


Superboy first appeared in Superboy Vol. 5 #1 (November 2011). First historical appearance was in The Adventures of Superman #500 (June 1993).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Superboy in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Superboy (Kon-El) biography click here.

Superboy Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Superboy Vol. 5 #1 (November 2011): "The Clone" (pages 1-8)
Superboy Vol. 5 #2 (December 2011): "Superboys and Their Toys" [Flashback]
Superboy Vol. 5 #1 (November 2011): "The Clone" (pages 9-19)
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #1 (November 2011): "Teen Spirit" [Appearance same as Superboy Vol. 5 #1, page 19]
Superboy Vol. 5 #1 (November 2011): "The Clone" (p. 20)
Superboy Vol. 5 #2 (December 2011): "Superboys and Their Toys"
Superboy Vol. 5 #3 (January 2012): "Free at Last, Free at Last"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #2 (December 2011): "Underground and Overwhelmed!"
Superboy Vol. 5 #4 (February 2012): "Wise Men Need Not Apply"
Superboy Vol. 5 #5 (March 2012): "Breakout"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #4 (February 2012): "Danger Squared"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #5 (March 2012): "Over Before It's Begun" (pages 1-18)
Superboy Vol. 5 #6 (April 2012): "Not So Super" (page 4)
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #5 (March 2012): "Over Before It's Begun" (pages 19-20)
Superboy Vol. 5 #7 (May 2012): "Untamed Rose!"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #7 (May 2012): "Assault on Project 13"
Superboy Vol. 5 #8 (June 2012): "Training Day"
Teen Titans Annual Vol. 4 #1 (2012): "The Culling, Part One"
Superboy Vol. 5 #9 (July 2012): "The Culling, Part Two: Lost Claws!"
Legion Lost Vol. 2 #9 (July 2012): "The Culling, Part 3: Unbeatable"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #9 (July 2012): "The Culling, Part 4: If This Be Victory--!"
Superboy Vol. 5 #10 (August 2012): "The Mysterious Mystery of Mystery Island!"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #10 (August 2012): "Saur Feelings"
Superboy Vol. 5 #11 (September 2012): "Brothers-in-Harm!"
Superboy Vol. 5 #12 (October 2012): "Night Games!"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #11 (September 2012): "Wonder Wonder Who"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #12 (October 2012): "Armored Up and Out!"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #13 (December 2012): "The Origin of Wonder Girl"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #14 (January 2013): "The Origin of Wonder Girl: Part Two"
Superboy Vol. 5 #13 (December 2012): "Law and Disorder!"
The Ravagers #4 (October 2012): "Unchained" [appearance same as Superboy Vol. 5 #13, page 20]
The Ravagers #5 (December 2012): "Game Changer"
The Ravagers #6 (January 2013): "...Engage!"
The Ravagers #7 (February 2013): "Ghosts of Future Present"
Legion Lost Vol. 2 #14 (January 2013): "Desperate Times"
Legion Lost Vol. 2 #15 (February 2013): "Heroes Die"
Legion Lost Vol. 2 #16 (March 2013): "Last Stand!"
Superboy Vol. 5 #14 (January 2013): "The Face of H'el!"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #14 (January 2013): "Lost Son of Krypton"
Superman Vol. 3 #14 (January 2013): "Build A Parachute On Your Way Down"
Superboy Vol. 5 #15 (February 2013): "Shattered Steel!"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #15 (February 2013): "Into Kandor"
Superman Vol. 3 #15 (February 2013): "Because I'm a Scorpion"
Superboy Vol. 5 #16 (March 2013): "Triggers!"
Superboy Annual Vol. 5 #1 (2013): "Lost Horizons!"
Superman Vol. 3 #16 (March 2013): "A Fistful of Sticks!"
Superboy Vol. 5 #17 (April 2013): "Lost Cause!"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #17 (April 2013): "Girl vs. Goddess"
Superman Vol. 3 #17 (April 2013): "Fury at World's End"
Superboy Vol. 5 #18 (May 2013): "Mind Your Manners"
Superboy Vol. 5 #19 (June 2013): "Gone but Not Begotten"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #17 (April 2013): "A Tale of Light & Dark, Prologue:Grey Matters"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #18 (May 2013): "To Belle & Back"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #19 (June 2013): "Trigon-ometry"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #20 (July 2013): "Only Begotten"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #21 (August 2013): "Tringon's Brothers"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #22 (September 2013): "Dark Titans"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #23 (October 2013): "Hello I Must be Going"
Superboy Vol. 5 #20 (July 2013): "A Wretched H.I.V.E." [Flashback]
Superboy Vol. 5 #21 (August 2013): "State of Decay"
Superboy Vol. 5 #22 (September 2013): "High School & Other Assorted Horrors"
Superboy Vol. 5 #23 (October 2013): "Match Game"
Superboy Vol. 5 #24 (December 2013): "Secrets & Origins"
Superboy Vol. 5 #20 (July 2013): "A Wretched H.I.V.E."
Forever Evil #1 (November 2013): "Nightfall"
Forever Evil #2 (December 2013): "Rats"
Teen Titans Vol. 4 #24 (December 2013): "Caught Up in Circles"
Teen Titans Annual Vol. 4 #2 (December 2013): "My Future, My Enemy"
Action Comics Annual Vol. 2 #2 (December 2013): "Krypton Returns, Part 1"
Superboy Vol. 5 #25 (January 2014): "Krypton Returns, Part 2"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #25 (January 2014): "Krypton Returns, Part 3"
Superman Vol. 3 #25 (January 2014): "Krypton Returns, Part 4" [Pages 1-8]
Supergirl Vol. 6 #0 (November 2012): "The End of the Beginning"
Superman Vol. 3 #25 (January 2014): "Krypton Returns, Part 4" [Pages 18-21]
Supergirl Vol. 6 #25 (January 2014): "Krypton Returns, Part 3" [As Herald]
Teen Titans Annual Vol. 4 #3 (July 2014): "Be Careful What You Wish For" [As Herald]
Superboy Vol. 5 #30 (June 2014): "Forget the Past"
Superboy Vol. 5 #31 (July 2014): "Delivery"
Superboy Vol. 5 #32 (August 2014): "Happenings"
Superboy Vol. 5 #33 (September 2014): "Paradox"
Superboy Vol. 5 #34 (October 2014): "Know Thy Self"
Secret Origins Vol. 3 #7/2 (January 2015): "Lab Rat"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #36 (January 2015): "Crucible, Part 1"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #37 (February 2015): "Crucible, Part 2"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #38 (March 2015): "Crucible, Part 3"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #39 (April 2015): "Crucible, Part 4"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #40 (May 2015): "Crucible, Part 5"
Teen Titans Annual Vol. 5 #1 (June 2015): "The Source of Mercy"
Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #2/2 (July 2015): "Divergence: Teen Titans"
Teen Titans Vol. 5 #9 (August 2015): "Rogue Targets, Part 1"
Teen Titans Vol. 5 #10 (September 2015): "Rogue Targets, Part 2"
Teen Titans Vol. 5 #11 (October 2015): "Rogue Targets, Part 3"
Teen Titans Vol. 5 #12 (December 2015): "Rogue Targets, Part IV"

ZZChronology Uncertain

It is currently uncertain where these stories fit into the character's internal chronology.

Green Team: Teen Trillionaires #8 (March 2014): "Come Together"

ZZAlternate futures

Includes alternate futures that were possible outcomes for this version of the character

ZZFutures End
Superboy: Futures End #1 (November 2014): "Super"
Swamp Thing Vol. 5 #13 (December 2012): "Rotworld: The Green Kingdom, Part 1"
Swamp Thing Vol. 5 #14 (January 2013): "Rotworld: The Green Kingdom, Part 2"

ZZCameo Appearances

Cameos includes dream images, characters appearing in posters, as statues etc. where the character does not actually appear in the story or only appears in flashbacks to previous stories.

Action Comics Vol. 2 #47 (February 2016): "Blind Justice, Part 3: Consumed"
Batman and Robin Vol. 2 #10 (August 2012): "Terminus: Scar of the Bat"
Batman/Superman #16 (January 2015): "Superman's Joker"
Batman/Superman Annual #1 (May 2014): "Arena"
Flash Vol. 4 #20 (July 2013): "Reverse, Part 1"
Justice League Vol. 2 #25 (January 2014): "Forever Lost"
Secret Origins Vol. 3 #3/3 (August 2014): "Secret Identity"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #16 (March 2013): "Fast & Faster"
Supergirl Vol. 6 #33/2 (September 2014): "Epilogue"
Teen Titans Vol. 5 #8 (May 2015): "One Brief Shining Moment, Part 2"