Created by Paul Kupperberg and Alex Saviuk

Sunburst (Takeo Sato).png
Sunburst (Takeo Sato)


Real Name: Takeo Sato
Occupation: Motion picture actor
Citizenship: Japanese
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mr. Sato (father); Mrs. Sato (mother)
Base of Operation: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 182 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance: New Adventures of Superboy #45 (September 1983): "Sunburst -- Public Enemy #1"
Creators: Paul Kupperberg and Alex Saviuk


Takeo Sato was a Japanese actor who got to play the role of the costumed super-hero Sunburst in a low-budget TV-production. Unknowingly a mutant since birth, Takeo's solar powers kicked in when his "flying wires" snapped during the first production day. Keeping his powers a secret at first, Takeo went public as the hero Sunburst after an encounter with the Rising Sun, when Takeo's powers were exploited by criminals. For years, Sunburst was one of Japan's prime super-heroes, before meeting his death during the Crisis, killed by the Anti-Monitor's Shadow-Demons. He was succeeded - as an actor and possibly as a hero - by Sunburst IV.

Note: Pre-Crisis, it was Superboy who was involved in Sunburst's origin, not Rising Sun. This retcon was mentioned in Who's Who '86 #22.


For a definitive list of appearances of Sunburst in chronological order click here


Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #22 (December 1986)