Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 435 SINESTRO CORPS SOLDIER OF SECTOR 435 BIOGRAPHY
Created by Geoff Johns; Doug Mahnke


Status: Deceased
Space Sector: 435
Group Affiliation (current): Sinestro Corps
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 5 #1 (November 2011)
Creators: Geoff Johns; Doug Mahnke


The Sinestro Corps soldier of Sector 435 was en route to Korugar when he chanced upon a Green Lantern. He immediately attacked, but to his surprise the Lantern was none other than Sinestro. He tried to warn Arkillo that their leader had apparently betrayed them, but Sinestro killed him and destroyed the yellow power ring before it could locate a new ring wielder.

-Green Lantern Vol. 5 #1


For a definitive list of appearances of Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 435 in chronological order click here