 Unofficial Sinestro Annual Index

Sinestro Annual 1


Cover Date: June 2015
Cover Price: $4.99
Publication Date: 2015-04-01


Cover Credits:
Art: Dale Eaglesham
Colors: Jason Wright

Story: "Sinestro's House of Mystery" (39 Pages)


StoryCullen Bunn
ArtMartin Coccolo, Victor Ibanez, Andy Kuhn, Ronan Cliquet, Mirko Colak, Daniel Warren Johnson
ColorsJason Wright, Tony Aviña
LetteringDave Sharpe
EditingDarren Shan
Group editingMatt Idelson

Feature Character(s):

Sinestro (between Sinestro #11 and Sinestro #12)

Supporting Character(s):

Sinestro Corps:
Arkillo (in between Sinestro #11 and #12; also in flashback to earliest chronological appearance)
Bekka (in between Sinestro #11 and #13; also in flashback to earliest chronological appearance)
Craxxel (of Pyrius; selected for the Sinestro Corps but killed prior to accepting the ring; first appearance; in flashback only)
Dez Trevius (in between Sinestro #11 and #12; also in flashback to earliest chronological appearance)
Feena Sik (in between Sinestro #10 and #13)
Jezra (first appearance; in flashback only; dies)
Karu-Sil (in between Sinestro #11 and #12)
Lyssa Drak (in between Sinestro #11 and #12; also in flashback to earliest chronological appearance)
Rigen Kale (in flashback to earliest chronological appearance)
Slushh (in between Sinestro #11 and #13)
Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 2095 (first appearance; deceased prior to start of this story)
Various unidentified Sinestro Corps soldiers (in flashback)
Soranik Natu (in between Sinestro #11 and #12)


Malvern (Lyssa Drak's uncle; first appearance; in flashback only; dies)
Tarkarian Burrowers (space-folding insectoids; first appearance; in flashback only)
Brae Well (Dez Trevious' lover; first appearance; in flashback only; dies)

Other Character(s):

Umaraal Jarta (in between Sinestro #10 and #12)
Korugarians (last in Sinestro #10; next in ???)
Highfather (in flashback only)
Himon (father of Bekka; not named in story, designation from pre-Flashpoint DCU; in flashback only)
Citizens of New Genesis (in flashback only)
Azrel Vaak (would-be suitor of Lyssa Drak; first appearance; in flashback only; dies)
Arkillo's father (first appearance; in flashback only)
Priest of Vekthrall (first appearance; in flashback only; dies)
Assassin Templars (first appearance; in flashback only)
Caru Aris (Brae Well's wife; first appearance; in flashback only; dies)

Cameo Appearance(s):

Sinestro Corps:
Kryb (image)
Romat-Ru (image)
Tekik (image)
Green Lantern Corps (unidentified members; in flashback only)


Space Sector 674
Arkillo's homeworld (in flashback only; in the pre-Flashpoint DCU, this was alternately Vorn or Coristeel)
Space Sector 2095
Space Sector 2682
Dez Trevius' homeworld (first appearance; in flashback)
Space Sector 3500
Talok IV (in flashback)
Space Sector 3567
New Korugar
Unidentified Space Sector(s)
Pyrius (first appearance; in flashback)
New Genesis (in flashback)


Story continues in Sinestro #12.

Story Reprinted in:

Sinestro #2 - Sacrifice ([September] 2015)


A traitor lurks among the Sinestro Corps, and only by delving into the never-before-revealed origins of the team can Sinestro learn the truth.