Created by Jack Miller and Ramona Fradon |
Aliases: "Shark" Norton
Identity: Public
Occupation: Criminal
Gender: Male
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #203/2 (August 1954): "The Shark with the Human Brain"
Creators: Jack Miller and Ramona Fradon
"Shark" Wilson was a criminal known for his distinctive features, among them his flat nose, upturned lip and lantern jaw. He fought Aquaman both in his human form, and once transformed by magic sand into an intelligent shark, before being returned to humanity and prison. It is possible that Wilson then changed his last name, because some time later, a dead ringer for Wilson and alleged old enemy of Aquaman, calling himself "Shark" Norton, traded places with a Green Arrow enemy called "the Wizard", and battled Aquaman and Aqualad on land.
For a definitive list of appearances of "Shark" Wilson in chronological order click here