Created by Cary Bates, Greg Weisman and Pat Broderick


Occupation: Store owner
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Female
Hair: Grey
First Appearance: Captain Atom #16 (June 1988): "The Big Blowout"
Creators: Cary Bates, Greg Weisman and Pat Broderick


Starshine, as her nickname was, attended Woodstock, being proposed to after the Grateful Dead performed by Mitchell Blake, but lost the idealism of the "hippie generation" as time passed. Eventually ending up the owner of "Mellow Yellow, the Authentic '60s Nostalgia Outlet," she befriended Captain Cameron Scott (an alter-ego of Nathaniel Adam, or Captain Atom) when he was able to give her 1960s trivia. Soon after they first met, they encountered Mitchell on his deathbed, due to trouble he had gotten into with the mob. Captain Atom helped bring his killers to justice. Nate also stuck around, bring occasional items of his to Sally to pawn, and even came back after having his military job restored after the Invasion! Later, she found that she was more attracted to Nate's friend, Jeff Goslin, but they were kidnapped by the Kobra Cult under the direction of the Ghost before Goz and Sally could tell Nate. She was not taken by the cult, but instead took the place of a cult member, and tried to save Goz from as much of the brainwashing the Ghost was inflicting on Nate's friend as she could. She helped stop the Ghost's plan to have Captain Atom's friends attack him, and told Nate of her plans to remain with Goz.


For a definitive list of appearances of Sally "Starshine" Stone in chronological order click here