Created by Alan Moore and Bill Willingham |
Aliases: F-Sharp Bell
Occupation: Green Lantern
Homeworld: Unnamed planet in the Obsidian Deeps
Space Sector: 911
Group Affiliation(s): Green Lantern Corps
Sector Partner: Unknown
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eyes: None
Hair: None
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 (1987): "In Blackest Night"
Creators: Alan Moore and Bill Willingham
Rot Lop Fan was an inhabitant of the Obsidian Deeps, a black and lightless void in space. He was approached by Katma Tui of the Green Lantern Corps, to serve as a Green Lantern. Rot Lop Fan could not understand Katma Tui's request.
The lifeforms on Rot Lop Fan's world are unable to perceive light. Without an understanding of light and color, "green" and "lantern" had no meaning to him, and could not be translated by the power ring.
Katma Tui hit upon a solution. Instead of explaining the concept of light, she would work with sound. She instructed Rot Lop Fan to imagine a sound with a pleasing resonance. This he did, as a sound in the F-Sharp range. With the concept of sound, Rot Lop Fan could manipulate the energy of the power ring.
She gave Rot Lop Fan a standard uniform with one modification - instead of a lantern, the newest addition to the Corps was given a bell insignia. He believes he is a member of the "F-Sharp Bell Corps." - Green Lantern Corps Annual #3
Rot Lop Fan served in the Corps during the so-called Crisis on Infinite Earths. He was present on Oa when the Guardians left our plane of existence. Later, his ring had apparantly been destroyed, as a result of the destruction of the Main Power Battery on Oa. - Green Lantern Corps Annual #3
Rot Lop Fan was seen sporadically over the years, once as a customer at an alien bar visited by another former Green Lantern, Adara, and the last Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner of Earth. Some time later, Rot Lop Fan was one of the scores of Green Lanterns freed by Guy Gardner from an interstellar slave ring.
Rot Lop Fan is currently active in the 7200 strong Green Lantern Corps. It can be assumed he has served in the War with the Sinestro Corps and against the Black Lantern Corps in Blackest Night.
For a definitive list of appearances of Rot Lop Fan in chronological order click here (1987-2011) and here (2011-present)