 ROCKET RED #1 (Josef Denisovich)BIOGRAPHY
Created by Steve Englehart and Joe Staton


Real Name: Josef Denisovich
Occupation: Soldier
Status: Deceased
Citizenship: Russian
Group Affiliation(s): Rocket Red Brigade
Gender: Male
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps #208 (January 1987): "Red Lantern"
Creators: Steve Englehart and Joe Staton


Josef Denisovich was a Russian military man and a good friend of the Green Lantern Kilowog, who designed the Rocked Red suits for the Soviet Union. As the first member of the Rocket Red Brigade, Josef was ultimately corrupted by the Soviet government, and was engaged in a battle with Kilowog, a battle that resulted in Josef’s death.


For a definitive list of appearances of Rocket Red #1 in chronological order click here