Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino (William Dawson); Mike W. Barr and Carmine Infantino (Psykon)


Real Name: William Dawson
Identity: Secret
Citizenship: American
Base of Operation: Central City, KS
Gender: Male
Hair: None
First Appearance: (as Dawson): Flash Vol. 1 #115 (September 1960): "The Day Flash Weighed 1,000 Pounds!"
(as Psykon): Flash Vol. 1 #313 (September 1982): "3-Way Fight for the Super-Simian!"
Creators: John Broome and Carmine Infantino (William Dawson); Mike W. Barr and Carmine Infantino (Psykon)


To escape his prison in Gorilla City, the villainous Gorilla Grodd once killed his own body and projected his mind into the body of a human named William Dawson.

Dawson's released mental essence began wandering the cosmos, while his body, occupied by Grodd's mind, gradually turned into a duplicate of Grodd's original gorilla form. Later, Dawson's mental essence returned to Earth and transformed an anonymous derelict into a highly evolved human form, into which Dawson's mind projected itself. Calling himself Psykon, Dawson used his psionic powers to battle Grodd, and in the process also the Flash (II). The battle ended with Dawson getting back his body, restored from a gorilla to human form, and Grodd ending up with the body of the derelict.


For a definitive list of appearances of Psykon in chronological order click here