Created by Jack Kirby with Joe Simon


Real Name: Walter Haley
Occupation: Oceanographer and inventor, adventurer and crime fighter
Citizenship: American
Base of Operation: Challengers Mountain, Challengerville, CO
Group Affiliation(s): Challengers of the Unknown
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance: Showcase #6 (January-February 1957)
Creators: Jack Kirby with Joe Simon


Years ago, the famous skin diver, oceanographer, and all-round genius Walter "Prof" Haley experienced a plane crash together with three other men. Miraculously, they all survived. Deciding that they were now all living "on borrowed time", they started their career as the adventuring Challengers of the Unknown (I), exploring the world of weirdness and fighting the good fight for many years before going into semi-retirement. Shortly after that, Prof and the group's female associate June Robbins were seemingly killed in an explosion. In reality, they had both been drawn into a "spirit dimension" (the Phantom Zone?) from which they could communicate with the three remaining Challengers. Still later, the original team - including Prof and June - re-formed during an adventure in Hypertime with Superboy. However, upon returning to the main timeline, June had been replaced by an alternate version of herself and Red Ryan was M.I.A. Prof and the rest of the Challengers then returned into Hypertime in search for their missing teammates.


For a definitive list of appearances of Prof Haley in chronological order click here