
The Original Universe


Homeworld: Titan (moon of Saturn)
Space Sector: 2814
Physical characteristics:
Type: Humanoid
Eyes: None
Fingers: Five
Skin Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Aside from gender and presumably any later physical modifications, there are no differences between Probes


For a definitive list of appearances of the ProbeCB in chronological order click here


A ProbeCB is a biologically grown humanoid genetically designed to exchange messages and data with other ProbeCBs of ones choosing. Two models are available commercially, the "sxm 350" (male) and "sxf 350" (female).

A specialized version, modeled after the notorious 21st Century bounty hunter Lobo was employed by Darkseid. The Lobo Probe was later destroyed by the Lord of Apokolips.