Created by John Broome and Gil Kane


Homeworld: Myrg
Race: Myrgan
Marital Status: Single
Base of Operation: Myrg
Gender: Male
Height: approx. 7' 6"
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Black with beard
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 2 #45 (June 1966): "Prince Peril's Power Play!"
Creators: John Broome and Gil Kane


A feudal warlord on the planet Myrg, Prince Peril was chosen by the planet's council to marry the Princess Ramia. Ramia, however, refused and fled to Earth to which she was followed by the angered Prince. On Earth, she befriended a cab driver named Doiby Dickles, and when Peril appeared to capture Ramia, Doiby involved his two friends, Green Lanterns Alan Scott and Hal Jordan, in the fight. The powerful Prince defeated the Green Lanterns and took his bride back to Myrg along with Doiby, who was forced to perform as a court jester for the Prince. The Green Lanterns eventually followed Peril to Myrg, and defeated his army. Prince Peril was demoted and Ramia married Doiby, who became the new King of Myrg. Under Doiby's reign, Myrg was transformed into a duplicate of Doiby's childhood Brooklyn, and Prince Peril was put into a baseball training program as part of his rehabilitation. Although now a famed sportsman, the Prince still dreams of power and conquest.


A feudal warlord on the planet Myrg in Galaxy 882, Prince Peril (closest English language interpretation) was chosen by the Council of Six when it was time for Princess Ramia to marry. Myrg's traditions required that the Princess marry to continue the royal bloodline, but Ramia was not interested in any of the nobles of Myrg.

Prince Peril followed Princes Ramia to Earth where she had befriended a cab driver, Doiby Dickles. The Brooklyn-born cabbie was a friend of Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern, and despite his small stature, tried to protect the Princess from her unwanted suitor.

Using her powers of telepathy, the Princess drew the Green Lantern into the fray while she and Dickles attempted to escape using the Princess' dimension-changing device.

Peril defeated Alan Scott and resumed his pursuit of the Princess. She and Doiby, along with his cab, "Goitrude," had teleported to Coast City, home of Green Lantern Hal Jordan. Whereas Scott's power ring was based on magic, Jordan's power ring was based on an alien super science.

Doiby tried to warn Jordan of Peril using the flare he always contacted Alan Scott with. Prince Peril relished the chance to fight another Green Lantern. The battle did not go well for Jordan as he had neglected to charge his power ring that day and found he would soon be out of emerald energy. Putting all his will behind one last blast of energy, Jordan destroyed Peril's sword.

The fight changed to hand-to-hand combat and while Jordan was clever, Prince Peril was much stronger. Peril would have killed Jordan were it not for the power ring's automatic protection against mortal injury.

Prince Peril took his bride-to-be back to Myrg along with her would-be protector, Doiby. Peril saw his marriage to Ramia as an opportunity to show off his might and humiliate Doiby Dickles. The cab driver was dressed as a fool and forced to perform at Peril's command.

Back on Earth, Jordan and Scott regrouped and followed Prince Peril to Myrg. Even with the weaponry at their disposal, Prince Peril and his minions were no match for the might of two Green Lanterns. The warlike faction was soundly defeated and order was restored.

Some days later, Princess Ramia took Doiby Dickles as her husband and the new King of Myrg. - Green Lantern Vol. 2 #45

Life on Myrg was quite different from that day forward. Under the reign of Doiby and Ramia, a baseball training program was introduced as part of the planet's criminal rehabilitation program. Peril proved to be a quite capable baseball player. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #19

Despite his athletic prowess, Prince Peril still felt the need for conquest. In a fit of rage he attacked fellow players before the timely intervention of the visiting Alan Scott restored the peace. - Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #3


For a definitive list of appearances of Prince Peril in chronological order click here