Created by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatties and Adam Hughes


Aliases: One Eyed Cat from Heck
First Appearance: Justice League America #37 (April 1990): "Furballs!"
Creators: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatties and Adam Hughes


A mangy, yellow feline which has never earned the dignity of a name (though 'Wally' was once suggested, and it has probably learned to answer to various expletives), Power Girl's cat has been the heroine's pet since her days in the Justice League. It was reviled by the other members of the League, and particularly feared by Blue Jay, whom it viewed as potential lunch.

At one point, it was used by a shady agency who wished to learn the League's secrets. They implanted a recording device on it, but the data retrieved was useless, mostly consisting of footage of the toilet bowl and the view from a spinning record player. The cat survived the numerous explosions and invasions of Justice League headquarters, and is now residing with Kara in the JSA's building in New York (though it does look disturbingly docile, and may be an impostor).


For a definitive list of appearances of Power Girl's Cat in chronological order click here