

Plastic Man first appeared in Police Comics #1 (August 1941) [Quality].

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Plastic Man in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Plastic Man (Eel O'Brian) (Silver Age) biography click here.

Plastic Man Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #17 (April-May 1977): [No Title] [Flashback]
Justice League of America #144 (July 1977): "The Origin of the Justice League - Minus One" [Flashback]
Brave and the Bold #76 (February-March 1968): "Doom, What is Thy Shape?"
Brave and the Bold #95 (April-May 1971): "C.O.D.: Corpse On Delivery"
Brave and the Bold #123 (December 1975): "How to Make a Super-Hero"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #11 (February-March 1976): "The Hamsters of Doom"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #12 (April-May 1976): "The Bogus-Men Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #13 (June-July 1976): "If I Kill Me, Will I Die?"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #14 (August-September 1976): "Meat By-Product and Sludge"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #15 (October-November 1976): "The Snuffer"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #16 (February-March 1977): "Brains Washed While U Wait"
DC Super-Stars #10 (December 1976): "The Great Super-Star Game"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #17 (April-May 1977): [No Title]
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #19 (August-September 1977): "The Mouse That Soared"
Plastic Man Vol. 2 #20 (October-November 1977): "The Snooping Snitches"
Brave and the Bold #148 (March 1979): "The Night the Mob Stole Xmas"
Adventure Comics #467 (January 1980): [Carlton Canary]
Adventure Comics #468/2 (February 1980): [Whirling Dervish]
Adventure Comics #469/2 (March 1980): "Codename: Pinkeye"
Adventure Comics #470/2 (April 1980): [Brickface and the Trowel]
Adventure Comics #471 (May 1980): [Brickface the Wall-to-Wall Killer]
Adventure Comics #472/2 (June 1980): [Lowbrow]
Adventure Comics #473 (July 1980): [Lowbrow and Granetta Bloch]
Adventure Comics #474/2 (August 1980): [Acid-Tongue and the Skunk]
Adventure Comics #475/3 (September 1980): [Even Steven]
Adventure Comics #476/3 (October 1980): [Cheeseface]
Adventure Comics #477/3 (November 1980): [Roxanne Roller]
Adventure Comics #478/3 (December 1980): [A Night at the Nuthouse]
Super Friends #43/2 (April 1981): "Mouth-Trap"
Super Friends #45/2 (June 1981): "One of Our Barbarians Is Missing"
DC Comics Presents #39 (November 1981): "The Thing That Goes Woof in the Night"
World's Finest Comics #273/3 (November 1981): [No Title]
Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 (August 1985): "Worlds in Limbo"
DC Comics Presents #93 (May 1986): "That's the Way the Heroes Bounce"