Created by Grant Morrison and Richard Case


First Appearance: Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #27 (November 1989)
Creators: Grant Morrison and Richard Case


This enigmatic painting was described by Mr. Nobody as "having a hunger" and was capable of devouring anything. Mr. Nobody's Brotherhood of Dada stole the painting and absorbed the city of Paris into it. The Doom Patrol followed the Brotherhood into the painting and fought them in several levels of art genres; Surrealism, Symbolism, Impressionism, etc., but was thoroughly defeated. Then, the two teams had to join forces as a new threat appeared - the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, whom they defeated by sending it to the Dadaism level of the Painting's world. Since Dada is meaningless, the Horseman was transformed into a harmless rocking horse. The Doom Patrol and Paris were returned to the real world while the Brotherhood remained trapped inside the Painting.

The Painting was eventually purchased by an art collector called Dr. Silence. Soon afterwards, Mr. Nobody broke out and founded a new Brotherhood of Dada to erase the walls between the mundane world and the wonderful universe of the Painting. However, the Pentagon's Subdivisions, who opposed weirdness and anarchy of any kind, slaughtered the entire new Brotherhood. The Painting itself was incinerated and the original Brotherhood presumably destroyed within it.

Shortly afterwards, a little girl found a piece of the Painting in the wreckage. Using it as a slingshot, she joyfully threw a rock on a government limo and broke its windshield. Mr. Nobody's dream lives on.


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