Created by Robert Kanigher and Ross Andru


Status: Deceased
Group Affiliation(s): Metal Men
Gender: Programmed as female
First Appearance: Metal Men Vol. 1 #13 (April-May 1965)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and Ross Andru


Tin of the Metal Men once constructed a "female" tin girlfriend for himself. Initally having no name, the robot soon got the official name "Nameless" (although Tin called her "Precious" or "Beautiful"). At first rejected by the rest of the Metal Men, Nameless joined the team officially after having distinguished herself on a case.

After several adventures, Nameless asked Doc Magnus to rebuild her into something beautiful. But something went wrong and Nameless was burned and went missing for years. Years later, Batman and the Metal Men found her the prisoner of their old enemy Platinum Man. They freed her, and Nameless and Tin were married. However, a Missile Man, another old Metal Men working for the Platinum Man, attacked the wedding right after the ceremony was over. Nameless sacrified herself to save the rest and was destroyed in an explosion. Both Tin and the Platinum Man were left with their robot hearts broken.


For a definitive list of appearances of Nameless in chronological order click here