Created by Charles Reizenstein and Stanley Josephs Aschmeir


Myra Mason first appeared in All-American Comics #25/5 (April 1941).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Myra Mason in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Myra Mason biography click here.

Myra Mason Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
All-American Comics #25/5 (April 1941): "How He Began"
Secret Origins Vol. 2 #20/2 (November 1987): "The Secret Origin of Dr. Mid-Nite" [Retells All-American Comics #25 with new details]
All-American Comics #26/5 (May 1941): [The Waterfront Mystery]
All-American Comics #27/4 (June 1941): [Prisoners by Choice]
All-American Comics #28/5 (July 1941): [The Mysterious Beacon]
All-American Comics #29/5 (August 1941): [The Menace of King Cobra]
All-Star Comics #6/2 (August-September 1941): "Dr. Mid-Nite Thinks Fast" [Text story]
All-American Comics #30/7 (September 1941): [The Coal Mine Cave-In]
All-American Comics #31/7 (October 1941): [Mystery of the Medium]
DC 2000 #1 (2000): [No Title]
All-American Comics #32/7 (November 1941): [The Stolen Brief Case]
All-American Comics #33/7 (December 1941): [The Camera Crimes]
All-Star Comics #8 (December 1941-January 1942): "Two New Members Win Their Spurs"
All-American Comics #34/7 (January 1942): [Dr. Kwack]
All-American Comics #35/7 (February 1942): [The Radio Panic]
All-Star Comics #9 (February-March 1942): [Hemisphere Defense]
All-American Comics #36/7 (March 1942): [The Reckless Driver]
All-American Comics #37/7 (April 1942): [The Truth of Dr. Mid-Nite's Identity]
All-American Comics #38/2 (May 1942): [Quacko -- the Miracle Drug]
All-American Comics #39/2 (June 1942): [The Movie Mystery]
All-Star Comics #11 (June-July 1942): "The Justice Society Joins the War on Japan" [Pages 4-55]
All-Star Comics #12 (August-September 1942): "The Black Dragon Menace"
All-Star Squadron #30 (February 1984): "Day of the Black Dragon" [Flashback: Appearance same as All-Star Comics #12]
All-American Comics #40/2 (July 1942): [The Propaganda Battle]
All-American Comics #41/2 (August 1942): [Dr. McNider Appeals to Patriots]
All-American Comics #42/2 (September 1942): [The Arrival of Herman Gherkin]
All-American Comics #43/2 (October 1942): [The Defense Plant Puzzle]
All-American Comics #44/2 (November 1942): "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes"
All-American Comics #45/4 (December 1942): "Mystery in the Mining Shaft"
All-American Comics #46/4 (January 1943): "The Half-Pint Policeman"
All-American Comics #47/4 (February 1943): [Forbidden Cave]
All-Star Comics #15 (February-March 1943): "The Man Who Created Images"
All-American Comics #48/4 (March 1943): "The Mystery of Gamwell's Home for the Blind"
All-American Comics #49/4 (April 1943): "The Clock Strikes Twelve"
All-American Comics #50/4 (June 1943): "The Beggar King"
All-American Comics #51/6 (July 1943): "The City of Silent Night"
All-American Comics #52/3 (September 1943): "The Aging Death"
All-American Comics #53/3 (October 1943): "Caught by Coincidence"
All-American Comics #54/3 (December 1943): "The Man Who Defeated Death"
All-American Comics #55/3 (January 1944): "Riddle of the Blazing Dummy"
All-American Comics #56/3 (March 1944): "The Tale of the Black Rain"
All-American Comics #57/4 (April 1944): "The Man Who Bought Shadows"
All-American Comics #59/4 (July 1944): "Banana Peels and Crook Heels"
All-American Comics #60/3 (September 1944): "The Man Who Spoke in Whispers"
All-American Comics #61/3 (October 1944): "The Men with Two Lives"
All-American Comics #62/2 (December 1944): "The Men Who Feared Guns"
All-American Comics #63/2 (January 1945): [The McCarty Brothers]
All-American Comics #64/2 (March 1945): "The Color of Crime"
All-American Comics #65/2 (April 1945): "Case of the Baleful Banshee"
All-American Comics #66/2 (June 1945): "The Walking Bomb"
All-American Comics #67/2 (July-August 1945): "Excursion to Excitement"
All-American Comics #71/2 (March 1946): "Words of Wisdom"
All-American Comics #72/2 (April 1946): "Drama in the Dark"
All-American Comics #73/2 (May 1946): "Valley of the City of Gold"
All-American Comics #75/3 (July 1946): "Gamblers of the Gridiron"
All-American Comics #76/3 (August 1946): "Man with the Long-Distance Eyes"
All-American Comics #82/3 (February 1947): "Dr. Mid-Nite and Dr. Light"
All-American Comics #85/3 (May 1947): "Accidents on Order"
All-American Comics #86/3 (June 1947): "Cue for Death"
All-American Comics #87/2 (July 1947): "How Dr. Mid-Nite Captured Big Shot Barnes"
All-American Comics #89/3 (September 1947): "Out of This World"
All-American Comics #92/4 (December 1947): "Seconds to Live"
All-American Comics #93/4 (January 1948): "The Village That Time Forgot"
All-American Comics #95/4 (March 1948): "Mind Over Murder"
All-American Comics #96/4 (April 1948): "The Unsinkable Bandits"
All-American Comics #97/4 (May 1948): "The Doctor Takes a Walk"
All-American Comics #98/4 (June 1948): "Strange Case of the Sky-Raider"
JSA #69 (March 2005): "JSA/JSA Chapter II: Guardian Angels"