Created by Jack Kirby


Mister Miracle first appeared in Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #15 (August-September 1973).

Below is the definitive list of appearances of Mister Miracle in chronological order. Flashback sequences or story entries will be followed by a [Flashback] note. Stories that for some reason are no longer part of current continuity will have a comment saying this in a note following the entry.

Follow the links for a complete index of the issue, including story and creator info as well as full character chronology and in some cases story synopses.

The chronology list can also be sorted according to Comic book title. Please note: If you want to go back to the chronological listing after having used the sorting tool you have to reload the page.

To go to the Mister Miracle (Shilo Norman) biography click here.

Mister Miracle Chronology

Click to list by alphabetically by title
Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #4 (May 2006): "Forever-Flavored Man" [Flashback]
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #15 (August-September 1973): "The Secret Gun"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #16 (October-November 1973): "Shilo Norman, Super-Trouble"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #17 (December 1973-January 1974): "Murder Lodge"
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #18 (February-March 1974): "Wild, Wild Wedding Guests"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #21 (November 1990): "Movin' Day!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #22 (December 1990): "Passing the Miracle"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #23 (January 1991): "A Tale of Two Miracles"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #24 (February 1991): "The Lump That Came to Campus"
Justice League America #47 (February 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 2] "General Glory Fights Again!" [Up to page 13, panel 3]
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #25 (March 1991): "Bad N' Beautiful: The Babes of Bodyslam!"
Justice League America #47 (February 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 2] "General Glory Fights Again!" [Page 13, panel 4+]
Justice League America #48 (March 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 3] "The Last Giant Nazi Robot Story!"
Justice League America #49 (April 1991): "Glory-Bound, Part 4: Glory and Shame"
Justice League America #50 (May 1991): [Glory-Bound, Part 5] "A Blaze of Glory!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #26 (April 1991): "Food for Villainy"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #27 (May 1991): "Party Up!"
Mister Miracle Vol. 2 #28 (June 1991): "God-Spawn"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #5 (July 1997): "A Choice of Gods"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #6 (August 1997): "Schism"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #10 (December 1997): "AfterMath"
Jack Kirby's Fourth World #12 (February 1998): "Wednesday's Child"
Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files #1 (December 2001): "A Clown at Midnight"
Joker: Last Laugh #1 (December 2001): "Stir Crazy"
Joker: Last Laugh #2 (December 2001): "Siege Mentality"
Joker: Last Laugh #4 (December 2001): "Everyone Knows This is Nowhere"
Joker: Last Laugh #6 (January 2002): "You Only Laugh Twice"
Suicide Squad Vol. 2 #6 (April 2002): "Thou Shalt Not..."
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #176 (June 2004): "Homecoming? Part One"
Green Lantern Vol. 3 #177 (July 2004): "Homecoming? Part Two"
JLA #107 (December 2004): "Syndicate Rules Part One: "Maintenance Day"
Seven Soldiers: Guardian #1 (May 2005): "Pirates of Manhattan" [Behind the scenes]
Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #1 (November 2005): "New Godz"
Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #2 (February 2006): "Drive by Derby"
Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #3 (March 2006): "Radio Bedlam"
Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle #4 (May 2006): "Forever-Flavored Man"
Seven Soldiers #1 (December 2006): "The Miser's Coat"
Infinite Crisis #5 (April 2006): "Faith"
52 #1 (July 2006): "Golden Lads & Lasses Must..."
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Vol. 2 #33 (April 2007): "Old Gods and New"
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Vol. 2 #34 (May 2007): "The Chaos Equation"
Firestorm, the Nuclear Man Vol. 2 #35 (June 2007): "The End Is Here"
Final Crisis #2 (August 2008): "Ticket to Blüdhaven"
Final Crisis #3 (September 2008): "Know Evil"
Final Crisis #4 (November 2008): "Darkseid Says"
Final Crisis #5 (December 2008): "Into Oblivion"
Final Crisis #6 (January 2009): "How to Murder the Earth"
Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #41 (September 2010): "The Dark Things, Part Two"
Justice League of America Vol. 2 #47 (September 2010): "The Dark Things, Part Three"