Created by Judd Winick and Dale Eaglesham


Occupation: Leader
Status: Deceased
Homeworld: Tendax
Space Sector: 2814
Race: Tendaxian
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Unnamed wife, daughter & son (all deceased), Stacre (cousin; deceased)
Base of Operation: Mesthatis Palace, city of Terrax, Tendax
Group Affiliation(s): Former member of Matiac terrorist organization
Gender: Male
Eyes: White
Hair: Blue-white
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #138 (July 2001): "Away From Home Part One"
Creators: Judd Winick and Dale Eaglesham


Located in the Lesourac Nebula in a distant galaxy, the planet Tendax was considered a paradise world. Bathed in the light of four suns, the planet's unique atmosphere was generated by a specific energy field which would adapt the environment to an individual's metabolism as well as respiratory function, gravity and habitable temperature, enabling any species to survive. Tendax had two races, believed to be indigenous to that world, the Matiac and the Magdum.

- Green Lantern Vol. 3 #138

One-third of the population of Tendax was Matiac. For centuries they were persecuted and enslaved. In the capital city Terrax, civilization progressed to the point where the Matiac were no longer slaves, but were considered the immigrant underclass. The government gave the Matiac a homeland in a predominantly Magdum occupied area. Within three months riots began. Within six months war broke out, a war that would last twenty-five years. The hatred each side felt towards the other was ingrained, and atrocities were committed on both sides in acts of war and terrorism. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #138 - 139

An ancient fable, the Veil of Gammoc was believed to be an arc filled with the spirits of their greatest warriors. Anyone who opened the arc and stood in the presence of the spirits would become a warrior of unimaginable power.

In truth, the Veil of Gammoc was a natural, not spiritual, phenomenon. A particular type of Tendaxian vegetation, when trapped under pressure for many years, would release a vapor which, when inhaled by a Sivian, an individual of Terraxian descent, would dramatically alter their genetic structure.

The Sivian would gain super powers while their bodies were transformed. Though their strength would increase, the chain reaction in their genetics caused rapid cellular breakdown, leading to death.

Twenty years ago, Illus, a Matiac terrorist exposed some of his group to the Veil of Gammoc. They planned to use the powers against the Magdum but the Matiac were forced to destroy those who had been infected. Over thirty of Illus' men were killed in the process. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #139

Five years ago, a standing truce began, without a single act of violence. Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Earth, was a part of the peace process and welcomed by the Tendaxians. Illus, who had renounced his terrorist past, was elected as Minister, the leader of Tendax and worked towards peace with Cleric Nagon of the Magdum.

On the fifth anniversary of the truce, both sides chose to create a peace treaty, and wished Hal Jordan to appear at the signing as a symbolic gesture. Upon contact with the JLA, they learned Hal Jordan was no longer a Green Lantern. Other representatives, such as Superman and the Martian Manhunter were unavailable. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner would visit Tendax, with another ring wielder, Jade/Jennie-Lynn Hayden.

The pair of ring wielders were warmly welcomed, and shown the wonders of Tendax such as the fire cliffs and the Iones Waterfalls. Despite the beauty of Tendax and the hope for a bright future, old hatreds had not ended. The celebration for the upcoming peace treaty was halted by a terrorist bombing of a school transport. One hundred fifty-nine were killed, four hundred were injured. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #138

Minister Illus wanted to be in contact with Cleric Nagon, believing the terrorists were Magdum, but in fact they were Matiac. It was a personal blow to Illus as the leader of the terrorist faction was his cousin, Stacre. Worse still, Illus' counterpart in the peace process, Cleric Nagon had been assassinated.

The two Green Lanterns from Earth offered to stay on Tendax to help. They were sent by Minister Illus to the Desert of Evisul, one hundred miles from the capital city of Tendax. It was there that Lord Stacre's men had uncovered the arc that was the Veil of Gammoc. The Green Lanterns were to prevent Stacre from leading his fellow terrorists against the city of Terrax. The Green Lanterns were able to defeat the altered Matiac, but at a heavy cost. As Illus had advised them, the effect of the Veil of Gammoc was as powerful as it was short-lived. Stacre's body was decomposing during the battle, as were others. Lord Stacre died still thirsting for revenge against the Magdum. The Green Lanterns brought the rest of Stacre's people back for medical attention.

Back in Terrax, Minister Illus, his wife, and their son and daughter were slain outside the promenade in the East wing. The Green Lanterns could not make themselves a part of the Tendax conflict by either staying to fight or protect the Matiac and the Magdum and left Tendax for Earth. - Green Lantern Vol. 3 #139


For a definitive list of appearances of Minister Illus in chronological order click here